Search results for Pneumonia.

4 October 1918 Nurse Rosa Mary Rapp


Her parents were German born  Fridolin (Fred) and Mary Theresa. Rosa graduated from Louisville City Hospital, Kentucky. Rosa volunteered for active service with forces at Louisville on April 2nd 1918 and was initially sent to Camp Lewis, Washington where she was assigned to duty as a Base Hospital nurse. On September 8th 1918, she embarked at...

27 October 1918 : Pte Reginald Smith


Parents: Alfred (leather currier/bricklayer's assistant) and Bertha Smith In 1901, age 2, Reginald lived at home (3 Mosely Place, Leeds) with his parents, 4 year old sister and a boarder. Age 12 at the 1911 Census, Reginald was at school (part-time) while working as a 'doffer'. He was living at home (4 Walton St, Sutton Mill, Keighley) with his...

Influenza 1918: The Worst Epidemic in American History


Book review by Bill Hanigan. [This review first appeared in the journal of The Western Front Association Stand To! Issue No.58 April 2000. This and other copies of the journal of The Western Front Association are available to read online to members by signing in using their Member Login] The jacket of this book describes it as a companion to the...

28 December 1917 : Wagoner Ned Vandeventer


Son Winfield (farmer) and Sarah 'Lizzie' Vandeventer. Siblings in 1900 included Grace (3) and Maranda 'Randa' (1). By the time of the 1910 Census he had a further four brothers and sisters: Mandy, John, Avis and Scott.  Ned, who farmed for his father before the war, attested age 21 into the US Army on 4 June 1917 and was called up that October....

Lewes Casualties : September 1918 and the impact of 'Spanish Flu'


  September 1918 brought a further 14 Lewes casualties, 10 on the Western Front where the arrival of the Americans had helped change the balance of forces firmly towards the Allied side and four others, one from Baku on the Caspian Sea, one from a submarine attack off Brittany, one the result of tuberculosis and one from influenza. Private Alber...