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Search results for RNAS.
When the Navy Took to the Air: The Experimental Seaplane Stations of the Royal Naval Air Service
Reviewed by Niall Ferguson. Those hoping to read of the exploits of the RNAS on the Western Front will be disappointed since the secondary title of this volume provides a better description of the contents than the primary. While there is some description of aerial action, it reflects only on the culmination of research and experimentation at pl...
April Fools? The Formation Of The RAF with Andy Robertshaw
The renowned historian, author and TV presenter Andy Robertshaw makes a welcome return to the branch to present what has become his annual New Year talk to the branch. This year Andy presents a brand new talk all about the Royal Air Force which was formed 100 years ago on the 1st April 1918, when the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) and the Royal Naval...
24 December 1914 : Flt Sub-Lieut Bernard Osbourne Ffield
Bernard Ffield born in Weybridge, Surrey on 17 August 1894, the son of John Bernard Ffield (an 'importer of foreign produce) and Emma Ivory Beatrice Ffield. He was the older brother of two sisters, Barbara and Antoinette, and two brothers: Cyril and Paul. At the 1901 Census the family were living in Chelsea. A decade later at the 1911 Census the...
On-Line Joint Meeting with Cheltenham Branch (1)
In another joint on-line meeting with the Cheltenham & Gloucester branch, our own James White will speak on Rex Warneford VC and his exploits in destroying a Zeppelin over Ghent in 1915. This presentation is based on the one prepared for the very successful Wiltshire Branch Great War Centenary Event in 2015. All members and guests are welc...
10 January 1916 : Percival ‘Percy’ Victor Fraser
His parents were William and Annie (née Grieve). Percy, as he was known, had three younger brothers, two of whom died ages 3 and 17. He came to England before the war and worked as a marine engineer before the war. During the war he was based at the Eastbourne Naval Air Station, Hampden. He gained his Aviator's Certificate on 14 May, 1915. O...
24 January 1915: Bertram Welby Hart
Born in Haulbowline, Queenstown, Co. Cork on 23 Jan 1893 he was the third son of James Hart (Superintending Pharmacist at Plymouth Hospital) and Emily. Bertram was educated at Collegiate School, Malta and Devonport High School. He was studying to become a dentist when he volunteered at the outbreak of War. He obtained a commission in the Royal...
"A Fine Feat of Arms" - The Zeppelin Base Raids, Autumn 1914 by Ian Castle
The decreasing impact of Omicron allows us to return to Cobham for our February meeting although we will continue to stream on the Zoom platform for those who, for whatever reason, prefer to join us on line. We welcome back to Cobham Ian Castle, an acknowledged authority on the air war. In the summer of 1914, as Europe teetered on the brink of w...
‘Observation Balloons on the Western Front – an "over view" ' by Vernon Creek
About this talk: Many groups of combatants could claim to be the unsung heroes of the Great War. But the men flying observation balloons must have a particularly strong claim. Operating at 1200-1800 meters above the front lines, the crew had nothing between their feet and the ground but a centimetre or two of wicker basket. The crews (or 'balloo...
‘Observation Balloons on the Western Front – an "over view" ' by Vernon Creek
About this talk: Many groups of combatants could claim to be the unsung heroes of the Great War. But the men flying observation balloons must have a particularly strong claim. Operating at 1200-1800 meters above the front lines, the crew had nothing between their feet and the ground but a centimetre or two of wicker basket. The crews (or 'balloo...
'The RN Air Service in the First World War' with Phil Tomaselli
Phil Tomaselli will be talking about the early RNAS pioneers who flew off ships, developed the first proper bombers, shot down the first Zeppelin and much more.
Campaign for RNAS memorial
Squadron Commander Edwin Harris Dunning, DSC (17 July 1892 – 7 August 1917), the first pilot to land an aircraft on a moving ship. A new memorial aims to honour the pioneers of naval aviation who laid the foundations for almost every aspect of war in the skies and operating aircraft at sea. Although the Royal Naval Air Service is remembered wi...