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Search results for Spring Offensive.
WFA Chairman’s Tour – Spring Offensive: 8-11 June 2018
This Tour has been sold out. Please go to the Battle Honours Website for similar events such as this. WFA Tour Details 2018 WFA Chairman’s Tour – Spring Offensive: 8-11 June 2018 Price Per Person: £550:00 (£100:00 Single Supplement) Hotel: 3-star hotel in St Quentin - Limited to 25 places **last 3 spaces remaining** Our first 2018 to...
111: March 2018 Special Edition
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The German Spring Offensive March 1918
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which marked Russia’s withdrawal from the war, was signed on 3rd March 1918 by the new Russian government which had come to power in the October Revolution. For the first time since the conflict had begun, Germany and the Central Powers could concentrate their efforts on the Western Front. For the German High Command...
ONLINE : Branch Zoom Meeting 19/09/20
Email WFA Branch ZOOM Saturday 19th September Location : Zoom Online : Meeting ID: 857 1386 5706 : Passcode: 968771 Welcome and Introduction to Zoom meetings JD “remembrance” . A local Soldier remembered....
The Camera Returns No.7 by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall
[This edition of The Camera Return was originally published in Stand To! No.29 in the Spring of 1989. Bob and Steve had taken their photographs to match the view in December 1988.] Then > Nine British soldiers resting in the main street of Aveluy, 2 km north of Albert. 25 March 1918 © IWM Q8640. To make a match for present day comparisons...
Nobody of Any Importance with Phil Sutcliffe
A Foot soldier's Memoir of World War One. Phil's father, Sam Sutcliffe, was a World War One 'Tommy.' He enlisted at the age of 16 in the 2/1st Royal Fusiliers in September 1914 and subsequently fought at Gallipoli the following year. He then fought on the Somme in July 1916 before being sent home as he was discovered to be still too young for fo...
From the Dardanelles to Dunkirk by Peter Hodgkinson and Andrew Rice
From the Dardanelles to Dunkirk Peter Hodgkinson and Andrew Rice Printed by Amazon, 2022. 299 pp. 19 photos, 8 maps. Bibliography. ISBN 9798405428369. This is an ambitious book which tells the story of six officers, all of the Rice family and spans 65 years (1887-1952) including two World Wars. It sets out to place each officer in the context...
ONLINE: The Aisne Again – the Essence of Blitzkrieg in the Spring of 1918?
The presentation will be live and online. After relatively unsuccessful attacks on the Somme and the Lys, General Ludendorff sought a new sector in which to continue the heavy assaults of his 1918 Spring offensive. He chose the thinly held Aisne front between Soissons and Reims. The German advance here was the furthest ever made, on one day, on...
A Game of Two Halves - the 21st Division in 1918 by Dr Derek Clayton
The talk is based on the experiences of the 21st Division in 1918. From facing all three major German Spring Offensives to playing a full part in the advance to victory.