After a break that none of us wanted we are pleased to let you know that we are resuming our branch meetings on Wednesday 8th of September. This will of course be subject to any changes the Government's pandemic response.  This talk is by Branch member Jim Kevany.

To provide extra safety we are moving into the Bar area at the Village Hall, where we have more room to enable social distancing if wanted and we are planning to make it as Covid safe as reasonably practicable. We shall be requiring attendees to make a Covid declaration as part of the entry process. As part of our precautions there will not be a buffet available on this occasion.

The meeting is 7:45 for an 8:00 start. Suggested entry donation is £3. 

Village Hall, Hatfield Peverell, Maldon Road, CM3 2HP.
08 Sep 2021 20:00