'The Battle of Verdun' - Christina Holstein
14 Aug

The Essex Branch, in recent memory, has not addressed the Battle of Verdun, something we are putting right with the visit of Verdun expert Christina Holstein to our Hornchurch venue.

What was the thinking behind the German offensive of February 1916 and why was Verdun chosen? A thundering opening bombardment brought early success but French determination and sheer dogged refusal to give up meant that the German advance was soon measured in metres. By midsummer, the offensive was a lost cause, but the French hit back, and fighting went on to the end of the year. It was the longest battle of WWI, but did it matter, and could the German plan ever have worked?

Meet at the Poppy Lounge, Royal British Legion, Hornchurch, from 7:30 for an 8pm start. Entrance donation is £3.50 and, as ever, those who are not members of the WFA are very welcome to attend. There is parking nearby in a pay & display car park (24 hours), and we have access to the bar. 

Please Note: The map on this Website may show the Hatfield Peverel location, not Hornchurch.

Poppy Lounge, Royal British Legion, 205 High Street, Hornchurch, RM11 3XT
14 Aug 2024 19:45