'A Long Way from France & Flanders - Experiences of British Military Personnel in South Russia 1916-1920' - Alan Wakefield
13 Nov

After a long break we welcome the return of Alan Wakefield to Hatfield Peverel. 

This talk covers the RNAS armoured cars under Oliver Locker-Lampson and the various British forces sent to south Russia as part of the Intervention at the end of the First World War. These units fought in the Caucasus alongside the White Russian Army. This is an area of conflict largely unknown to the greater public and continued long after the November 1918 Armistice.

Meet at the Village Hall, Hatfield Peverel, in the room off the bar, from 7:30 for an 8pm start. Entrance donation is £3.50 and, as ever, those who are not members of the WFA are very welcome to attend. There is parking on site, and we have access to the bar

Village Hall, Hatfield Peverell, Maldon Road, CM3 2HP.
13 Nov 2024 19:45