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070: April 2004
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Ep. 5 – French Tanks in 1917 – Dr Tim Gale
Dr Tim Gale talks about ‘The development of French armoured warfare doctrine in 1917 ’, a lecture from the joint WFA and British Commission for Military History conference ‘The Armies of 1917’, held in April 2017. Your browser does not support the audio element....
France and the Great War, 1914-1918. Leonard V Smith, Stephane Audoin- Rouzeau and Annette Becker
Cambridge University Press, 2003, 218 pp, index, illustrations, maps, bibliography. (New Approaches to European History). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0 521 66631 7, £15.95 soft cover; ISBN 0 521 66176 5, £42.50 hardcover. Kindle £25, Hardcover (New £111 - Used £66), Softcover (New £26 - Used £2) Prices as of 2022 Translations f...
The first French observation balloon of the Great War shot down
October 9,1915; 7am on the Somme-Suippe-Perthe, Marne, Part of the champagne region. 20th company commanded by Captain Perrin in the misty air a balloon had been in the air for 2 hours at 800m altitude. From behind a cloud suddenly the staccato of a machine gun was heard, then the noise of an engine and an aircraft appears looking very big...
The Great War and the French People by Jean-Jacques Becker
343pp. Hardback £25 (1986 price) Paperback £8.95 Berg Publishers Ltd. The effect of modern war on civil populations has become a field of considerable interest to historians of late, not least because it was a field that had previously attracted very little attention. Professor Becker's study utilises a mass of published and unpublished materia...
August 1914 by Bruno Cabanes
One of the positive features of modern Great War scholarship is the number of books that allow historians to understand the conflict from the perspective of another of the combatant nations. Bruno Cabanes’ August 1914 tells the story of France, and French society, in that cataclysmic first month of the war. Cabanes not only draws on government a...
Belgian and French Agents behind Enemy Lines - a talk by Alan Seldon
Whilst the British War medal which was issued to British military personnel is one of the most common medals ever awarded those presented to Belgian and French civilians living in German occupied territory who were 'enrolled' into the British Army are much rarer. This talk will look at how this 'enrollment' came about and then consider a number...
'48th (South Midlands) Division in Western France & Italy' - A talk by Derek Plews
Derek's talk takes us to the Western Front and then Italy in the footsteps of the 48th (South Midlands) Division. This is Derek's first visit to the Branch. Our main photograph is of members of the 48th Division at Asiago
The Military Career of General Peyton C. March, United States Army, by Will Bryant
Peyton C March was a career US Army artillery officer who served in the Philippines, Mexico and in France during the Great War. After organising the artillery training regime for the US Army in France, and personally seeing the first brigade through the course, in 1918 he was selected by U.S. Secretary of War, Newton D. Baker to assume the offic...