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Search results for Verdun.
21 August 1918 : Sgt Sebastian Mitterhofer, 7 Komp, Kgl Bay 10 Inf Regt ‘König'.
He was married with one child. At the outbreak of the war he was an office worker in Weisenberg, Bavaria. An active reservist, he therefore saw service from the very earliest days of the war. He was in action from August 1914 in Lorraine, then on the Meuse, at Verdun, the Somme, Arras, Third Ypres, Cambrai, Dixmude and Verdun (1918) to Augus...
017: Summer 1986
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061: April 2001
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062: September 2001
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106: July 2016 Special Edition
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The Verdun Regiment. Into the Furnace: The 151st Infantry Regiment in the Battle of Verdun 1916
By Johnathan Bracken
Pen & Sword, £25.00, 269pp, hb, 30 ills, maps, notes, refs, bibliog and index.
ISBN: 978–152–671–029–1
The author is the president of a living history organisation dedicated to the French 151st Infantry whose home garrison was Verdun. Diverted from its annual summer manoeuvres several days before war was declared, the 15...
114: February 2019
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6 July 1916 : Urbain Pierre Rieucau
Urbain Pierre Rieucau was born 11 December 1888, Villecomtal, Aveyron He was a farmer before the war. Having completed his compulsory military service at Rodez in 1911, Urbain was immediately recalled upon the declaration of war and was in action at the Battle of Morhange in August 1914 - Morhange being an area of France annexed by the Germans...
The Somme 1916: Touring the French Sector
By David O’Mara Pen & Sword, £14.99, 240pp 32 maps & ills throughout. ISBN: 978–147–389–770–0 ‘Oh, No! Not another book on the Somme!’ Not my words but those of the author. David O'Mara makes it clear that his book is different – and without doubt he succeeds. This is an essential read for those who study the Somme. The French sector...
‘The Munster Man and The Iron Man’ with Pat Sheehan
From Mallow, County Cork, Pat Sheehan is a long standing member of the Cork Branch of the WFA. He was an officer in the FCA - Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil (Irish Army Reserve). Previous topics Pat has presented to the Branch include: ‘The Life and War Service of Mr. Landsberg’ - Crown Prince Ruprecht ‘Railways in WW1’. ’A non-British perspective on Nav...
Verdun : Remembrance Sunday 10 November 2019
Report by Suzanne Make This year I decided to spend a few days over Armistice weekend with friends in Verdun. We took part in two ceremonies. On Remembrance Sunday we stood, side by side with the French and a small German contingency, outside the Ossuary in Verdun. The Eternal Flame had come from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and was carried car...
Memories of Verdun by Francois Wikart
The following article is based on the recollections of General Caloni and recollections of the authors’ grandfather’s experience of Verdun. Most people know the battle of Verdun started on the 21st February 1916. The city lies on both banks of the River Meuse in North-eastern France. In 1916 the fortress of Verdun was stripped of its guns and...
ONLINE: 1917 at Verdun: The French hit back
The presentation will be live and online. The failure of the German offensive at Verdun in 1916 led to major changes of leadership and the sector became a secondary front. In this presentation by Christina Holstein, we will learn how for the French 1917 became an opportunity for aggressive action. The French Army mutinies of spring 1917 meant a...
123 : July 2021
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Guillemont, 3 September 1916 Tactics and Insights
‘Not a Single Blade of Grass...’ by Sebastian Laudan [This article first appeared in Stand To! No.106 July 2016 Special Edition]. In 1926 Oberstleutnant aD (Lieutenant Colonel, retired) Wilhelm Nau published the last volume of a series of books covering the participation of the infantry regiment he had been serving with in Belgium and France thr...
Ep. 221 – The Battle of Verdun 1917 – Christina Holstein
Historian and author Christina Holstein about her research into the 1916 Battle of Verdun during the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element. SOmething
Ep. 225 - The Battle of Verdun 1917 and the battlefield today - Christina Holstein
Historian and author Christina Holstein about her research into the 1917 Battle of Verdun and the battlefield today. Your browser does not support the audio element.
A talk by Christina Holstein 'Verdun: The Left Bank'
Christina Holstein is a leading authority on the Battle of Verdun. For many years she lived close to the battlefield and has explored it in great detail. She regularly conducts tours of the battlefield for individuals or groups and, with her specialized knowledge of the terrain, has acted as consultant to a number of other historians, TV produc...
Ep. 276a – Walking the Western Front Way – Sir Anthony Seldon
Author, historian and educationalist, Sir Anthony Seldon talks about his new book The Path of Peace which is his memoir of walking the Western Front Way in 2021. Your browser does not support the audio element. The route stretches...
Verdun – Recovering the Fallen by Christina Holstein
The talk looks at the aftermath of Verdun and the enormous task of finding and dealing with the fallen of both sides.
In the Centennial Footsteps of the Great War: 1916, 1917, 1918, Volume 2 by Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy
Author / Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy
Foreword / Dr Spencer Jones
Historical consultants / Dr Spencer Jones, Dr Ignác Romsics
Publisher / MCC Press, Budapest
Book and cover design / Zoltán Keczeli, Zoltán Dózsa
Hard cover / 558 pages with 980 full-colour photos
Product dimensions / 235 x 330 mm / 3.4 kg
ISBN 978-963-644-033-6
This comprehensive revi...
In the Centennial Footsteps of the Great War: 1916, 1917, 1918, Volume 2 by Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy
Author / Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy Foreword / Dr Spencer Jones Historical consultants / Dr Spencer Jones, Dr Ignác Romsics Publisher / MCC Press, Budapest Book and cover design / Zoltán Keczeli, Zoltán Dózsa Hard cover / 558 pages with 980 full-colour photos Product dimensions / 235 x 330 mm / 3.4 kg ISBN 978-963-644-033-6 This comprehensive revi...
Hoist with their own petard: The German capture of Fort Douaumont and its effect on the Battle of Verdun 1916
Hoist with their own petard: The German capture of Fort Douaumont and its effect on the Battle of Verdun 1916 – a Zoom talk by Chrtistina Noyes. The surprise capture of Fort Douaumont - at first sight a triumph - changed the offensive's centre of gravity and forced the Germans to extend the battle to the flanks, locking them into a deadly sloggi...