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Ep. 80 – The Landing in the Dawn – dissecting the Anzac Gallipoli legend – Dr James Hurst
Dr James Hurst talks about his latest book (published by Helion & Co.) which reappraises the landing by the ANZAC forces on the Dardanelles on 25 April 1915.
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Pillars of Fire - the Battles of Messines Ridge 1917 by Ian Passingham
Sutton Publishing 1998. Hardback, 223pp„ £19.99. ISBN 0 7509 1704 0. In his foreword to this book, Peter Simkins of the Imperial War Museum states that 'Messines has long merited a separate study, even though it is widely accepted that it formed a crucial prelude to Third Ypres. This work is a solid piece of historical research and detailed ana...
121 : January 2021
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Stand To ! No. 121 Recently Published
Contents Communication Lines 2–6 A Bridge Too Many on the Oise by Michael Carragher 7–11 A Short Spell on Mudros and Helles by Barbara Meredith 12–18 Another Lonely Anzac 1394 Private H V Meston 9th Battalion AIF by Paul Cobb 19–21 The Camera Returns (102) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall 22–23 A Fascination for Flora Along the Western Front...
Ep. 190 - Sir John Monash – Dr Aaron Pegram
Dr Aaron Pegram of the Australian War Memorial, developed his interest in the First World War initially through family history. A Senior Historian at the Australian War Memorial, in this, his second talk for Mentioned in Dispatches, Aaron talks about Sir John Monash. Y...
Out Now! Stand To ! No. 125 January 2022
From the Editor Welcome to the first edition of Stand To! for 2022. As I write this in late December, COVID–19 is still running wild, the Omicron variant the latest to threaten us. France (and most of Europe) has closed its borders with the UK and travelling abroad is off the cards again. Who knows what the next 12 months will bring? I hope bet...
125: January 2022
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Stand To! No. 129 Out Now
Members and Digital Members should all have received the latest issue of Stand To! No.129 by now.
If you'd like a copy, join today! Digital Members are sent a PDF and given access to the entire back catalogue of Stand To! > Benefits of membership > Join Today!
This is the contents:
Communication Lines
The Camera Returns (1...
Stand To! No. 129 Out Now
Members and Digital Members should all have received the latest issue of Stand To! No.129 by now. If you'd like a copy, join today! Digital Members are sent a PDF and given access to the entire back catalogue of Stand To! > Benefits of membership > Join Today! This is the contents: Communication Lines 2–4 The Camera Returns (1...
Polygon Wood ANZAC Day Commemoration Ceremony 108th Anniversary
Details from the Australian Embassy in Brussels. The program includes a dawn service at Buttes, New British Cemetery and commemorative services at Menin Gate and Toronto Avenue Cemetery. It has accompanying notes and weblinks, and includes commemorations jointly held with the New Zealand Embassy in Brussels. You will be able to follow the Anzac...
ONLINE ‘Each read each other's soul: British and ANZAC chaplains at Gallipoli’ with Dr. Linda Parker
The talk will look at the role developed by the British and Anzac chaplains in the circumstances of the Gallipoli campaign. It will focus on difficulties and dangers, opportunities and achievements in their service to the men involved in the landings and battles. Dr Linda Parker is a former history teacher, author and independent scholar who wri...
Ep. 313 - Anzac Labour Day - Dr Nathan Wise
Historian and academic Dr Nathan Wise talks about his book Anazc Labour. Your browser does not support the audio element. Nathan's book explores the horror, frustration and exhaustion surrounding working life in the Australian Impe...
Remembrance across two Continents
A collaboration between the Gallipoli Association, the Birmingham branch of the Western Front Association and the Friends of ANZAC Cottage focussing on commemoration of the Great War in the UK and Western Australia. Two Zoom talks Thursday 7th November at 1200hrs UK time This talk is targeted at our Australian friends (Western Australian time 19...
ANZAC DRUMHEAD REMEMBRANCE SERVICE During the First World War there was a large military camp at Cannock Chase which became the base for the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. There was also a prisoner-of-war hospital and both the camp and the hospital used the burial ground that is now the Cannock Chase War Cemetery. The cemetery contains 93 Com...