Search results for Children.

Don't Shout at the Guns


Book Review by Fiona Bratherton. This is Laurence Harris's third children's book, being a sequel to Jackie was a Hero, in which we met Polly and Tommy Metherson who owned a camcorder which allowed them to travel through time. This time they again meet American Second World War veteran Hank Jenson with his two grandchildren. The five of them go t...

113: October 2018 Special Edition


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Children at War 1914–1918 by Vivien Newman


£14.99, Pen and Sword, Barnsley 2019.  176pp, soft covers, 50 ills. incl. endnotes, bibliography and index.  Also available as Kindle edition. ISBN: 9781473821071  This anthology of children’s remembrance and later writing on the Great War is wider ranging than the last I reviewed in Stand To! some two years ago. This covers all the warring nati...

The Gotha Air Raid on London – 13 June 1917


German air raids on Britain during the First World War began in early 1915 when Zeppelins were used to bomb coastal targets in Eastern England. The use of Gotha bombers began in May 1917 - these aircraft were capable of long distance flights and were used to make daylight raids on South East England. On 13 June 1917, German Gotha aircraft carri...

‘Children at War 1914-1918’ with Dr. Vivien Newman


We are delighted to have as our guest for this talk the author and speaker Dr Vivien Newman who could entertain an audience on several First World War topics from women at war and female war poets but tonight will be returning to another of her favourite topics 'Children at War'.  In her book ‘Children at War 1914-1918’ , Vivien Newman researche...

Ep.271 – Children and childhood in WW1 – Dr Viv Newman


Author and historian Dr Viv Newman about her research into children and childhood during the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element. She explores how the war affect children across Europe, how some children became combat...

‘Wartime Experience of Women and Children’ by Dr. Anna Muggeridge.


The First World War was fought on battlefields across the world and on the home front in villages, towns and cities across Britain. Herefordshire and Worcestershire had a particularly important role to play, producing food not just for servicemen, but also for those at home. Anna explores the experiences of the women and children and some men le...