Search results for Elizabeth Balmer.

We are all Flourishing: The Letters and Diary of Captain Walter J J Coats MC 1914–1919


We are all Flourishing: The Letters and Diary of Captain Walter J J Coats MC 1914–1919 Helion & Co., Solihull, £25.00, 360pp, many ills, maps, Coats’ service record, index. Jan Chojecki and Michael LoCicero (Eds.) ISBN: 978–191–109–639–9 Review by Elizabeth Balmer   This history of Walter Coats’ service with 1/9 Highland Light Infantry (Glas...

079: April 2007


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Jack and Hopit: A Cavalryman and his War Horse in the Great War


Jack and Hopit: A Cavalryman and his War Horse in the Great War  (Helion and Company) £16.95 Serena Merton  This was sparked discovering Hopit’s impressive memorial, engraved with his battle honours, a few miles from his master’s much later one. Jack Colvin left no description of his wartime experience, but the regiment’s war diary and other...

The Rungates Club


In John Buchan’s The Rungates Club (Handheld Press, £11.00) old friends, survivors of the First World War, meet. Among them are heroes of other famous Buchan novels: Richard Hannay, Edward Leithen and Sandy Arbuthnot. The themes of the 12 tales are varied. Three describe rational men encountering primeval, supernatural forces to their own cost -...

In the Trenches: A Russian Woman Soldier’s Story of World War 1 by Tatiana Dubinskaya


£20.00, Potomac Books: University of Nebraska Press,  192pp, pb, maps, notes, index,  Introduction by Lawrence M Kaplan.  ISBN 9781640121966  In the Trenches is an odd, unstructured and episodic book, but an undoubtedly powerful one. Although presented as fiction, the story clearly reflects Dubinskaya’s own experiences, which have been merged by...

Armenian Genocide: The Great Crime of World War 1 by David Charlwood


Pen & Sword (2019) £12.99. 128pp, pb, ills, map, bibliog. index.  ISBN: 978–152–672–901–9 ‘Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?’ Hitler asked in August 1939, while planning his Polish massacres. A hundred years after the Turkish Holocaust event, and Turkish denials, people do speak of it and Genocide: The Great...