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Search results for New South Wales.
29 August 1916 : Pte Albert Amos Howes
Albert was born in 1892 in Granville, near Parramatta, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, the son of Arthur (who had emigrated from England in 1890) and Sarah Howes. Before the war Arthur was a machinist and lived with the family on Stuart Street, Granville. Albert enlisted 11 May 1915 - he was 22. On the morning of 29 August 1916, the 13th...
077: September 2006
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19 July 1916 : Corporal John Beresford Bryson
John was from New South Wales, Australia, the son of James and Emily Bryson, of Huskisson. A mechanical dentist before the war, he enlisted on 15 August 1915 and he embarked from Australia on 2 November 1915. He was promoted to Corporal on 8 May 1916 and disembarked in Marseilles on 26 June. John was killed at Fleurbaix on 19 July 1916 durin...
15 April 1918 : Lt Harold Hubert Thompson
Harold Hubert Thompson was born in 1889 in Smithtown, Kempsey Shire, New South Wales Australia. His father was Capt. Magnus Thompson of Jerseyville, Macleay River, New South Wales. Harold had five brothers and three sisters. He was 26, and working as a builder, when on 19 February 1915 he enlisted in the 18th Battalion. He sailed from Australia...
Victory through Coalition: Britain and France during the First World War by Elizabeth Greenhalgh
Victory through Coalition: Britain and France during the First World War, Cambridge, 2005, $75, xvi, 304 pp, index, maps, illustrations, bibliography. ISBN 0 521 85384 2. Ms.Greenhalgh is research fellow at the University of New South Wales and joint editor of War & Society. The author details and dissects evolution of the command and polit...
18 September 1915 : Pte Leslie James Bell
Leslie Bell was born 26 May 1891 Moama, New South Wales, the sixth child of Alexander Bell, a mounted Police Constable and Margaret (neé Murphy), his second wife, who bore three of his children. He attended Moama Public School, and was then apprenticed as a blacksmith which he did for two years before becoming an assistant surveyor. At the time...
Ep. 313 - Anzac Labour Day - Dr Nathan Wise
Historian and academic Dr Nathan Wise talks about his book Anazc Labour. Your browser does not support the audio element. Nathan's book explores the horror, frustration and exhaustion surrounding working life in the Australian Impe...