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Search results for Niall Ferguson.
Kitchener Wants You: the man, the poster and the legacy
By Martyn Thatcher and Anthony Quinn Uniform Press, 2016, £14.99p, 168pp ISBN-10:1910500364, ISBN-13:978-1910500361 This slim volume is as much about Kitchener as it is about Alfred Leete and the sociological history of how posters and the popular press sought to sway public opinion and recruitment into the armed forces before and during the Gr...
This Bloody Place - With the Incomparable 29th
By Major A H Mure (Foreword by Richard Van Emden) Pen & Sword, 2015, £16.58p, 208 pages ISBN-10: 1473857929 ISBN-13: 978-1473857926 Book Review by Niall Ferguson It would appear that the subtitle for this volume varies - it can read, 'The Incomparables at Gallipoli'. This might be because, although the stylised photograph on the dust...
For King and Empire : Sailors Died in The Great War
Geoff Bridger (Ed) Naval and Military Press DVD-CDROM, £45 plus VAT ISBN: 9781845749095 DVD Review by Niall Ferguson DVD ROM RECOMMENDED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS A PC running Windows 7, 8 10 or Vista with 4GB RAM installed and a 4X speed DVD drive. Please note this DVD-ROM is NOT Mac OS or Linux compatible. Price plus VAT Those researching Royal Nav...
Light Battle Crisers and The Second Battle of Heligoland Bight: Lord Fisher's Oddities
By Hugh Harkins Centurion, soft covers, £10.95, 72 pages ISBN: 10: 1903630525, 13: 978-1903630525 Book Review by Niall Ferguson This slim volume covers the Repulse, Renown, Courageous, Glorious and Furious during their service in The Great War (the last not entering service until after the Second Battle of Heligoland Bight, as a quasi-aircraft...
Miners at War 1914-18: South Wales Miners in the Tunnelling Companies on the Western Front
By Ritchie Wood Helion, £35.00, 320pp Hardback, 107 illustrations within text., 29 tables, index, notes and refs. ISBN: 978-1-991096-49-8 Book review by Niall Ferguson Although the large mines at Messines and the Somme are well-known, it is only recently that researchers have realised the extent of mining on the Western Front. It was only reall...
‘The Pity of War’ (1998) Niall Ferguson
The title ‘The Pity of War’ says little about the book’s contents. The words are not those of the author, but rather taken from one of the war poets. The ‘war poets’ are one aspect of the misconceptions that have developed around the First World War, hijacking how people felt about the war at the time with a post-war negative and sentimentalised...
Defending the Ypres Front 1914 – 1918: Trenches, Shelters and Bunkers of the German Army
By Jan Vancoillie & Kristof Blieck Pen & Sword, £25.00 (E–book: £14.40), 294 pp, ills, 34 maps, bibliog., index. ISBN: 978–152–670–746–8 In outline this comprehensive book describes the German structures employed to defend the territory captured around Ypres and makes excellent use of official drawings and maps as well as photographs fro...
Britain's Railways in the First World War by Michael Foley
Publisher : Pen & Sword Transport (2 July 2021) Hardcover : 280 pages, Appendices, glossary, index, photographs ISBN-10 : 1526786796 ISBN-13 : 978-1526786791 The classical place to start when researching the railways of the United Kingdom during the Great War is Edwin Pratt’s two volume work published in 1921. It covers, almo...
A Voice from the Trenches 1914–18: From the Diaries and Sketches of Bernard Eyre Walker by Bernard Eyre Walker and edited by Sara Woodall
(Blackthorn Press, 2020), £18.00, paperback, 192 pages with illustrations ISBN 978–1–906–25958–7 Bernard Eyre Walker’s diary was lost – not recently, as it has been known to be in the Liddle Collection for many years – but during the great retreat caused by the Kaiserslacht. It was returned to him some years after the war ended as the German sol...
The Armchair General World War One – Can You Win the Great War? by John Buckley and Spencer Jones
(Century, 2023) £10, HB, 423 pagesISBN 978-1-529901-016 An eye-catching front cover. A publication date at the end of October. A book dealing with ‘what ifs?’ or so-called counterfactual history. Surely this is a book aimed at the ‘gifting’ market and not serious military history. However, as the adage goes, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover.’...