Search results for Sculpture.

078: January 2007


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‘The Women of Westfield - picking up the pieces after the First World War’


Dr Martin Purdy (Lancs and Cheshire WFA branch) recently managed a Heritage Lottery funded project at the Westfield War Memorial Village Lancaster as part of the 'Then and Now' funding stream available for WWI related undertakings. It culminated in this short documentary. ‘The Women of Westfield - picking up the pieces after the First World War’...

Lewes War Memorial by Dr Graham Mayhew


Erected in 1922, following a design competition judged by the Slade Professor of Fine Art at Cambridge University, Lewes War Memorial stands twenty-seven feet high in the middle of Lewes High Street, at the top of School Hill. Its Portland Stone obelisk is topped by a bronze winged victory looking straight down the hill. At its foot are two mor...

From the Archives: Lost and found in France


This is a story of two great French artefacts: one lost and one found. In an edition of the WFA Bulletin of October 1992 a short item appeared under the heading ‘Returned to Albert’. It was accompanied by an image of a damaged work of religious art. The shrapnel damaged painting returned to Albert The painting is one of the fourteen Stations of...

War Art with David Cohen


The late David Cohen made a huge contribution to The Western Front Association during his lifetime. He had a professional interest in the gallery he established 'David Cohen Fine Art' in 1984 featuring the work of artists and illustrators of the First World War, commemorative ware and ephemera. David Cohen was closed involved in the affairs of...

The Controversy of Commemoration in Ramsbottom after the First World War


War memorials are contentious: the commissioning of large public sculptures has often divided communities, with stories of bitter discord surfacing both during the Great War and in the years that followed. Disputes about the control of war memorial committees, as well as the decisions made by them, often made local newspaper headlines. The main...