The story of Mike Mountain Horse of the Blood Reserve Canada
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- The story of Mike Mountain Horse of the Blood Reserve Canada
Mike 'Miistatisomitai' Mountain Horse was born in 1988, the son of Mountain Horse and Sikski. His mother Sikski belonged to the Holy Women’s Society (Motokix) and his father to the powerful Horn Society.
Mike went to school as a boarder at St Paul’s and then to a military academy.
By 1914 he was serving as a cadet instructor with the 23rd Alberta Rangers.
On 23 September 1914 he enlisted at Valcartier, Quebec and joined No.4 Company of the Divisional Train.
He was buried for four days at one stage before rescue. He was exposed to gas around Ypres four times.
His brother Albert contracted tuberculosis and died 19 November 1915.
Mike survived the war. A set of calf skins depicting his experiences during the First World War was created. He died in 1964.
The War Deeds of Mike Mountain Horse were told in twelve panels on calfskin.
Sources: The World's War by David Olusgoga, Dictionary of Canadian Biography, The Anglican Church of Canada, Map from Google Maps.
Mike Mountain Horse His First World War Story
Useful links: Valour Canada Military History Library