Search results for Amiens.

The Use of Wireless at the Battle of Amiens 8 - 11 August 1918


The Use of wireless at the Battle of Amiens 8 - 11 August 1918 Author: Andy Powell MA A dissertation submitted as part of the requirements for the degree of MA in British First World War Studies at the University of Birmingham. This work won the WFA's prize for the best dissertation of 2013 which was awarded at the WFA President's Conference of...

054: January 1999


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111: March 2018 Special Edition


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22 May 1918: Gnr John Moore


John was born at Hawes, Yorkshire in 1895. Growing up he and his brother Edward went on to help their father who was a Coal Merchant. By the 1911 Census parents Joseph and Elizabeth had eight children: Edward, Hilda, John, Mary Jane, Agnes, Joseph and Florence Marjorie. They lived at Lion House, Hawes.  With the outbreak of war John attempted to...

26 May 1918: Pte William James Archbold


William James Archbold was born in Mackay, Queensland in January 1898. William, a farmer, enlisted, age 18 into the Australian Imperial Force on 21 February 1916 and embarked from Sydney (for the UK) on 22 December the same year. Training in the UK at Codford and Bulford, he spent a month in Parkhouse Military Hospital, Bulford. He underwent Fie...

10 August 1918 : 916855 Corporal Harry Cecil Ellis


Born 6 September 1891 in Westbury on Trym, Gloucestershire, their fifth child, the son of George and Zenobia Ellis of Parnell Road, Clevedon, Somerset.  At the April 1911 Census, the 18 year old Harry, now a grocer, lived at the imposing 18 Hill Road, Clevedon with 9 others, most of whom, including the Head of the House were drapers and milliner...

1 April 1918: Lieut. Augustus Dilberoglue


Augustus Dilberoglue was born Cairo, Egypt 13 Jan 1894  His parents were Plato (late judge of the Native Court of Appeal in Cairo) and Julia (née Agelasto) of The Lodge, 19 Southfields Rd, Eastbourne, Sussex.  Augustus was educated first at St.Vincent’s Prep School, Eastbourne, then at Eton and finally at Christ Church, Oxford. Augustus was a...

Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks


Vintage, 1994. Softback, 407pp., £5.99. ISBN 009938791 3. Works of fiction are not often referred to in Stand To !, but occasionally a work appears of sufficient character to merit a review. Birdsong is one of these. It appeared in the Sunday Times best sellers list for many weeks during 1994.  Briefly, the story opens in Amiens in 1910, when St...

126: April 2022


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Bulletin 122 : Out Now - Contents


Contents President’s Address Lt Col Graham Parker OBE Tribute April/AGM Minutes, Leeds Heroes Awards presentation Guest speakers talks/articles: Fighting at Marfeux - Fraser Skirrow Forgotten Navy - Robb Robinson Scamps in Khaki - Andrea Hetherington ExCo Matters Universities Awards & Prizes 10th President’s Conference Guest Speaker - Heath...