Search results for Croix de Guerre.

10 September 1917 : Sgt Jules Tiberghien


One of the three Tiberghien brothers to die in the Great War, Jules was born on 22 January 1892 and began his military service at Lille with the 43rd RI in 1912. After serving as an infantryman and being wounded in action (gaining the Medaille Militaire and Croix de Guerre in the process), he became attached to the Air Corps. Killed in aerial co...

27 September 1918 Louise de Bettignies (alias 'Alice Dubois') died on this day


Also known as 'The Jean d'Arc of the North', Louise de Bettingnies was born on 15 July 1880 at St.Amand-les-Eaux. Although from a penniless background (the family fortune disappeared before she was born), she was well educated and eventually became a housekeeper to English and German families - learning the languages and discovering Europe in th...

8 July 1916 : Capitaine Augustin Cochin


Son of Denys Cochin (a Parisian deputy in the National Assembly). Educated at the Ecole Nationale des Chartes. Augustin was a social historian and author of several books on the subject of the French Revolution. Bestowed as a Chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur and holder of the Croix de Guerre with Four Palms, he was wounded three times during h...

15 June 1917 : Maurice Bousquet


Maurice Bousquest completed his compulsory military service in October 1912 and returned to his civilian occupation of shop keeper.  As an Active Army Reservist, he was returned to full time service as sergeant, the rank he attained during his previous service. At the outbreak of war, Bousquet re-joined the 57e R.I. at Bayonne. Soon in action,...

From the Western Front to Salonika: A French Soldier Writes Home by Catherine Labaume-Howards (ed)


Helion & Co., £19.95 (£19.75 direct from publisher),  soft back, 182pp, ills in page throughout, 6 appendices, indices.  ISBN: 978–191–109–628–3  [This review first appeared in Stand To! 109 June 2017 (Special Edition)] It is impossible to know why, that since the Great War, so few translations of French accounts of war – fact or fiction – h...

From the Dardanelles to Dunkirk by Peter Hodgkinson and Andrew Rice


From the Dardanelles to Dunkirk Peter Hodgkinson and Andrew Rice Printed by Amazon, 2022.   299 pp. 19 photos, 8 maps. Bibliography. ISBN 9798405428369. This is an ambitious book which tells the story of six officers, all of the Rice family and spans 65 years (1887-1952) including two World Wars. It sets out to place each officer in the context...