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088: April/May 2010
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114: February 2019
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Wilfred Owen’s Shrewsbury: from the Severn to Poetry and War
By Helen McPhail As the title suggests, Wilfred Owen’s Shrewsbury: from the Severn to Poetry and War, (Logaston Press, £12.95), places Shrewsbury as the main subject of this book. The author reconstructs its history and topography with many illustrations. Of wider interest is her focus on Wilfred Owen, whose family moved there when he was 14. Hi...
Peace at Last: A Portrait of Armistice Day, 11 November 1918 by Guy Cuthbertson
Yale University Press, £18.99 293pp, hb, ills, notes, further reading. ISBN: 978–030–023–338–4 ‘It wasn’t a peace treaty, but it was peace’, the author says – and that was how the news of the Armistice was received by relieved citizens and soldiers alike. The author’s account covers events on 11 November 1918, from midnight to midnight, mainly,...
The Great War: Myth and Memory by Dan Todman
Hambledon £19.99. The Great War: Myth and Memory is based on Dan Todman’s PhD thesis and looks at the changing perceptions of the Great War from 1918 until the present day. There are seven chapters dealing with: mud, death, donkeys, futility, poets, veterans and modem memory. Chapter three on 'Donkeys' is particularly illuminating. The autho...
Ep. 83 – Wilfred Owen – Dr Kate Kennedy
Scholar and author Dr Kate Kennedy, from the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing (OCLW), based at Wolfson College University of Oxford, talks about Wilfred Owen and his poetry during the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element....
Wilfred Owen, Poet and Soldier by Helen McPhail
Gliddon Books/Wilfred Owen Association, 1993. Softback, 80pp. £7.95. ISBN 0 9478 93318. This book by Stand To! Poetry Editor fills a noticeable gap in the historiography of Wilfred Owen - a detailed study of his war service. Most anthologies of his work are prefaced by a brief chronology, but the bulk of this work is devoted to his army career,...
Two Day Event at Joncourt - A Tribute to Wilfred Owen
On the 1st October 1918, the 32nd Division was tasked with capturing Joncourt and the Beaurevoir-Fonsomme Line (Hindenburg Support Line) to the north-east of the village. After Joncourt had been captured, advancing with the 2nd Manchesters, Second Lieutenant Wilfred Edward Salter Owen took command of D Company after it’s commander was wounded, c...
'Wilfred Owen MC The Man, The Poetry' with Matt Taylor
Matt Taylor will be talking about Wilfred Owen
'The Poetry and Letters of Wilfred Owen' read by Samuel West
We are delighted to support the Wilfred Owen Association. For poetry enthusiasts and Wilfred Owen Association members, this is an event not to be missed. Join us for an evening of poetry and letters by Wilfred Owen, read by Samuel West, and a lecture by Professor Elizabeth Vandiver. Join Wilfred Owen Association members and guests for an intimat...
Strange Meetings - The Life of Wilfred Owen in His Own Words, Shaun Higgins
Strange Meetings is a one man performance which documents the final fifteen months of the life of Wilfred Owen, beginning with his admission to Craiglockhart Hospital with shell-shock, his auspicious meeting with (and befriending of) Siegfried Sassoon, the resulting flourish of poetry, his return to France, and his final and fatal battle in Nove...