Editor’s Introduction
- British West Indies Regiments
- A British Private Memorial behind German Lines: Henry Hammond Shott DSO 1/Royal Berkshire Regiment
Communications Lines
- IWM Sound Archive - request for recordings
- Tyne Cot Visitor Centre
‘The Devonshires Held this Trench - The Devonshire Hold It Still ’ - Part I by Jeremy Archer
Behind the Lines: The Story of the Iron Twelve - Part II by Hedley Malloch
The Fricourt-Tambour Duclos Sector on the Somme: Its Organisation and Defence by David Stowe
War Art: Charles Johnson Payne 'Snaffles' (1884-1967) by David and Judith Cohen
The Camera Returns (70): Armentieres by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall
British and German Trench Slang 1914-1918: A Preliminary Formal and Semantic Comparison by Henry Daniels
The BEF in the Great War - Part I by Bob Butcher
Remembering the Great War at Bath Abbey by Ray Westlake
‘A Very English Teacher’ - Wilfred Owen and the 'Lost Boys' of Tynecastle High School by Neil McLennan
The 8th Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders on the Western Front 1915-1918 by J H Johnson
The 38th (Welsh) Division in the Great War by Matthew Powell
Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)
- We Will Remember Them: The Voices from the Aftermath of the Great War by Max Arthur
- No Labour, No Battle: Military Labour During the First World War by John Standing and Ivor Lee
- The Day we won the War. Turning Point at Amiens 8 August 1918 by Charles Messenger
- 'Ours': The Jersey Pals in the First World War by Ian Ronayne
- Handbook of Imperial Germany by Janet & Joe Robinson
- The Road to Armageddon: The Life and Letters of Lieutenant Colonel, Henry Cadogan by Colonel Henry Cadogan RWF (Ed.)
- Great War Portraits by Keith Colman
- Earth Voices Whispering: An Anthology of Irish War Poetry 1914-1915 by Gerald Dawe (Ed.)
- Strategy and Command: The Anglo-French Coalition on the Western Front, 1914 by Roy Prete
- The Marne, 1914: The Opening of World War I and the Battle that Changed the World by Holger Herwig
- Kitchener's Lost Boys: From the Playing Fields to the Killing Fields by John Oakes
- The British Army in Battle and Its Images, 1914-1918 by Stephen Badsey
- A Story of the 1st Battalion London Irish Rifles in the First World War by Ed Harris
- Mont St Quentin: A Soldier's Battle by Bill Bullett
Short Notices
- A new A7V Tank by Max Hundleby
- DVD: Lee Enfield Rifle
- The Gas Attack at Ypres by John LeeMen, Horses, Mud and Stew. The Little Fusilier’s Great War by Wilfred Cook
- Before My Helpless Sight, Suffering, Dying and Military Medicine on the Western Front 1914-18 by Leo Van Bergen
A note on Primary Sources for the Study of Medical Aspects of the Great War by Bob Wyatt
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