'The biggest single piece of work since the pharaohs - the role of the Imperial War Graves Commission, 1917-39' - Mark Connelly
13 Sep

We welcome Mark Connelly back to our Hatfield Peverel venue to present his talk about the creation and work of the Imperial War Graves Commission. This is a huge organisation that we hold in the highest regard for their ongoing work in caring for the Fallen.  Mark has presented many, varied talks to the Branch over the years.

The meeting will have an 8pm start. We meet in the Bar area of the village hall, with access to the bar. There is onsite parking. We ask for an entrance donation of £3.50 and there is an optional raffle.


As with all of our meetings those attending do not have to be members of the WFA.

Village Hall, Hatfield Peverell, Maldon Road, CM3 2HP.
13 Sep 2023 20:00