Search results for Coldstream Guards.

26 August 1914 : Lt Sir Robert Cornwallis Maude, 6th Viscount Hawarden


The first son of Robert Henry Maude, 5th Viscount Hawarden and Caroline Anna Mary (née Ogle). At the time of the 1901 Census the family of three - parents and 7 month old Robert, lived at White Hill Chase, Hants with their four domestic servants: cook, parlour maid, house maid and nurse. At the 1911 Census, Robert, now 10, was at prep: school...

25 September 1916 : Capt. Herbert Meakin


Herbert Percy Meakin was born in Poona, Maharashtra, India on 10 January 1891 the son of Henry George Meakin, a brewer, and his wife Alice. His father died in 1895 while in Australia.  Meakin was privately educated  before going up to Queen's College, Oxford. While a student, his mother now a widow, lived in Belgravia Mansions, Hanover Square. S...

The Coldstream Guards and Irish Guards at Cuinchy 1915


Cuinchy is a village astride the La Bassée Canal and is referred to by Robert Graves in his classic memoir Goodbye to All That: 'Cuinchy bred rats. They came up from the canal, fed on the plentiful corpses, and multiplied exceedingly. While I stayed here with the Welsh, a new officer joined the company... When he turned in that night, he heard a...

26 January 1915: Pte Simeon Sharratt


Simeon was the son of Simeon (a felt hat maker) and Elizabeth Ann and they lived at 1 High Fields Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire. Simeon was one of six children.  At the 1901 Census he was at home with his parents and three siblings Elizabeth (10), Herbert (8) and William (1). At the 1911 Census he was at home, 47 John Street, Nuneaton with par...

31 January 1915: Pte Henry Arthur Nicholls


Son of James Nicholls. He was educated Highfield Road School and initially worked as a machinist.  29 June 1913 he married Helen (née Ware) at St.Stephen's Church, Walworth. They lived at 178, Westmoreland Road, Walworth.  Henry enlisted 30 June 1910 in the Coldstream Guards. Come the war Henry was called up and went to the Front with his Reg...

1 February 1915: 2nd Lieut. Harold Norton Clifton


Son of William Edward Clifton (architect and surveyor and Isabel Clifton (née Nelson) from Carlisle, living at 7, East India Avenue, London. 1901 age 6, with parents and 1 year old sister, and 4 domestic servants Cambridge Square. Harold was first educated St Peter’s Court, Broadstairs, Paddington. Ten years later, at the 1911 Census, Harold w...

2 February 1915: Philip Arthur Blanshard


Parents Henry and Alice (née Hurdman). Educated at Park Road Board School, Hull and employed in the Sanitary Department of Hull Corporation. At the 1911 Census, himself 16 years of age, he is given as a ‘general labourer’ and was living with his parents, seven siblings ages 5 to 21 and his 81 year old grandmother at 4 Finsbury Grove, Fountain...

Herbert Percy Meakin


Capt. Herbert Percy Meakin, 3/Coldstream Guards, Attd Guards Trench Mortar Battery Killed in action 25 September 1916.No known Grave. Remembered on the Thiepval Memorial Memorial: A stone column beside the Ginchy to Lesboeufs Road, south of the Guards Cemetery.  Location on Google Map Guardian: L'Office Culturel d'Albert. Herbert Percy Meakin wa...

9 July 1916 : 2/Lieut: Harold Masters Brown MC


The third son (of four) of parents William, Head Master of Slinfold Church of England School, Essex and Kezia Harriet (née Evans, an assistant certified school teacher) and living at Park Street Cottages, Slinfold, near Horsham, Sussex. At the time of the 1901 England Census, 12 year old Harold was at home with his parents and six siblings: br...

The Rededication service for the Meakin Memorial close to the Lesboeufs to Ginchy 10 September 2022


On Saturday 10th September I attended the rededication service for the Meakin Memorial at its new location close to the Lesboeufs to Ginchy road took place, attended by over sixty people including five members of the Meakin family, Etienne Dubruque , the Mayor of Lesboeufs and other invited guests Sadly, owing to the death of Her Majesty, Queen...