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Search results for Gordon Corrigan.
The Battle Against Venereal Disease in Wartime Britain (1914-1918)
The Battle Against Venereal Disease in Wartime Britain (1914-1918) by Emily Payne (This articles first appears in Stand To ! 76 April 2006) Introduction to Venereal Disease in Britain during the First World War The outbreak of war in August 1914 brought about demands upon Britain beyond the military requirements of international conflict. Manpow...
The Indian Army on the Western Front: India’s Expeditionary Force to France and Belgium in the First World War
Cambridge University Press, £60.00, 335pp., bibliog, index. ISBN: 9–781–107–027–466 To subvert a review about a new book with lengthy opinions on a fifteen–year–old work on the same topic is almost certainly poor reviewer’s protocol. However, since the shelf of new books about the Indian Army is virtually bare I will ignore polite convention. L...
For King and Another Country: Indian Soldiers on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Shrabani Basu
Bloomsbury India, £25.00, 224pp. 41 ills, notes and refs, bibliog, index. ISBN: 978-83-84052-91-1 Shrabani Basu’s work on the Indian Army - not to be confused with another book of the same name about a Second World War fighter pilot in the RAF - is, unsurprisingly given her background in journalism, ‘populist’ in style and approach and largely...
The Indian Empire at War: From Jihad to Victory – The Untold Story of the Indian Army in the First World War. George Morton-Jack.
Little, Brown, £25.00, 582pp. hb, 27 ills, 7 maps, endnotes (guide to sources), glossary, list of dramatis personae, index. ISBN: 978–140–870–769–2 Sources vary, but some 64,000 – 72,000 Indian Army soldiers served in the Great War – in several theatres worldwide – of whom some 34,000 were killed. Only Portugal and Greece had fewer war dead....
Mud, Blood and Poppycock by Gordon Corrigan
Cassell, 2003, £18.99, 431pp, 24 plates, 9 maps, 7 ills., bibliography, index, ISBN 0 304 35955 6. Gordon Corrigan's book is no mere defence of the British military and its command in the Great War. Instead it is another all-arms assault on the Laffinistas and the Clarkists mounted by an author - and a highly experienced soldier - with a comman...
Sepoys in the Trenches: The Indian Corps on the Western Front 1914-1915
Hardback, 274pp. Spellmount, 2000, price £24.95 ISBN 1 86227 054 6. [This review first appeared in Stand To! No. 60 January 2001] Who amongst us has not been intrigued and moved by the long lists of Indian names on the Menin Gate, or on the impressive Indian memorial near Neuve Chapelle? This book tells the story behind those names, from the...
"Haig - Hero or Villain?" with Gordon Corrigan
Douglas Haig has probably attracted more controversy than any other military commander in recent British history, and although he is almost a century dead, argument still rages at conferences and in the pages of books and magazines. Was he a butcher and a bungler, responsible for the loss of a whole generation of British manhood, or was he the m...
ONLINE: The Christmas Day Truce 1914 with Gordon Corrigan
The presentation will be live and online. We welcome back Gordon Corrigan who will talk to us about the Christmas Day Truce of 1914. Truces and armistices, brief halts in the fighting, temporary fraternisations, all are as old as warfare. They might be called in order to exchange prisoners, retrieve wounded or bury the dead, or, as in 1914, i...
Out Now! Stand To ! No. 125 January 2022
From the Editor Welcome to the first edition of Stand To! for 2022. As I write this in late December, COVID–19 is still running wild, the Omicron variant the latest to threaten us. France (and most of Europe) has closed its borders with the UK and travelling abroad is off the cards again. Who knows what the next 12 months will bring? I hope bet...
Boy Soldiers of the Great War Revisited by Richard van Emden
[This wonderful article first appeared in the April 2022 edition of Stand To! It is shared here by way of example of the quality of articles members enjoy in every edition of our journal]. Shortly before my father died in 2002, he had a book published that he had been working on since the late 1970s (it was on the Old French epic The Song of Ro...
The Journal of The Western Front Association Stand To! No. 132 is out today
Stand To! No.132 is out now. Print copies have been delivered, digital copies are about to go out to Digital Members, and it will also shortly be made available via out digital search plaform. Stand To! 132 Contents The Camera Returns (113) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall...4–5 The War in Ukraine and the First World War by Hew Strachan...6–11 Ge...