Search results for Le Cateau.

15 October 1914 : Pte Arthur William Heptinstall


His parents were James (a joiner) and Ann Heptinstall. Arthur was the seventh of their children born between 1864 and 1878.  Arthur enlisted in Bradford on 10 November 1899, joining 2nd Bn Royal Scots (Infantry). He was 21. He served in South Africa from 1900 to 1902 and in India from 1902 to 1907, where he became a qualified telegraphist. He e...

011: Summer 1984


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029: Summer 1990


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'The Guns at Le Cateau: 26th August 1914' with Vern Littley


Vern Littley will be talking about the events associated with the Royal Artillery at the Battle of Le Cateau in the early weeks for the war following the British and French retreat after the Battle of the Mons. Vern is well qualified to present on this topic having served in the Royal Artillery for over 25 years and he is also a member of the Ba...

100: June 2014 Special Edition


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Henry May VC : October 1914


Henry May VC was one of five servicemen to win a VC on the Western Front in October 1914 and will have a commemorative paving stone dedicated to his memory at a ceremony to be held in the City of Glasgow on or around 22 October 2014. His stone will be the second one laid to a Glasgow VC, the one of Capt Harry Sherwood Ranken being the first. Bot...

22 October 1914 : Lt Henry Noel Atkinson DSO


Henry was the son of the Reverend Arthur Atkinson, Canon of Chester Cathedral, and Ursula Mary Atkinson (née Cotton-Jodrell) and the grandson of the former Bishop of Calcutta.  He was one of the first and one of the youngest men to be awarded the DSO. Henry was educated privately at Mr Leonard Dobie’s boarding prep: school Moorland House, Hes...

The Guns at Le Cateau with Vern Littley


Vern looks at the Le Cateau battlefield as it is today, pointing out the best vantage points from which the modern visitor can best understand the events of 26th August 1914. He retells the story of the battle and looks at the lessons learnt. ~ ~ ~ Vern is well qualified to present on this topic having served in the Royal Artillery for over 25 y...

ONLINE: The Battle that Saved the BEF: Le Cateau, 26 August 1914 with Dr Spencer Jones


The presentation will be live and online.  We welcome back Dr Spencer Jones who will talk to us about one of the early battles of the First World War. The British Expeditionary Force faced disaster in August 1914. Driven from Belgium after the Battle of Mons, it found itself isolated from its French allies and closely pursued by numerically s...

Riding the Retreat: Mons to Marne 1914 Revisited by Richard Holmes


Jonathan Cape, 1995.  Hardback, 280 pages   £20.  ISBN 0224037625 [This review first appeared in the 1996 edition of Stand To! No.45] Riding the Retreat arrived in my postbox just as I finished Army Battlefield Guide - Belgium and Northern France by the same author. They are in marked contrast. I have always hankered after riding the Somme on ho...

The Evolution of Victory - British Battles on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Andy Simpson


1995 Hardback Publisher T.Donovan 152pp £17.95 ISBN 1 87108519 5 [This review first appeared in the September 1996 edition of Stand To! No. 47] The fighting on the Western Front means different things to different people. For the majority of the population, it is a terrible, apparently senseless event, essentially outside normal history; a pheno...

I Was There!: Latest video now available


The latest videos from the 'I Was There!' series have been very well received, with Episode 29 ('The Immortal Story of 'L' Battery') having over 55,000 views (and counting). The statistics on other videos are also excellent, with an earlier video (Episode19: The Unseen Killers at Le Cateau) surging in the last day or so to over 12,000 views.  Th...