Special Introduction to 1984

  • John Terraine: 1984 Anniversary
  • John Giles: Prelude to 1984
  • Terry Cave: 70 years ago  

Editorial Notes

  • Expanded issue to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the outbreak of the Great War

New Chairman's Letter: Terry Cave 

  • Recruited into The Western Front Association via signing the Y Ravine cemetery visitor’s book and giving his full address.
  • What caught his interest in the Great War
  • First visit to the Western Front with his father

View from GHQ. The Second Part of the War Diary of General Sir Charles Deedes KCB, CMG, DSO (Part II) edited, with notes, by Peter T. Scott

Le Cateau, St. Quentin, Vieux Berquin Postcards/Photographs P T Scott and IWM

1914: The Memoirs of a Territorial by Jack Dorgan

From Deepcut to France by Brigadier G E W Franklyn (introduction by P T Scott) Postcards/Photographs P T Scott

British Mobilization 1914 Prints/Photographs P T Scott

  • England Mobilises, Whitehall, Bank Holiday Tuesday, 4th August 1914
  • Crowds, Whitehall, Bank Holiday Tuesday, 4th August 1914

The Yeomanry Mobilize Prints/Photographs P T Scott

Port R Rouen - August 1914 by Peter Scott

Photographs Roger-Viollet

German Mobilizaton by Richard Baumgartner

The Wagoner's Special Reserve by Dr H N Young

1914: The Memoirs of a Volunteer by Harry Fellows: C Company, 12th (Service) Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers

  • From age 13 working for a firm of bicycle manufacturers
  • Eldest of four orphans in 1914
  • No entitlement to benefits when working part of the week
  • Unable to pay board and lodgings
  • Joined up with a work friends 1 September ‘to ease financial problems’
  • Fancied a long ride on a train: Northumberland Fusiliers (as Newcastle United were a good football team)

WFA Poets by S J Brophy

A Gunner at Le Cateau extracts from a diary of the retreat by Colonel E L B Anderson, CBE, DSO (Introduction by Peter T. Scott)

  • The 2/Coldstream Prepare, Victoria Barracks (Photo P T Scott)

The Diary of an Old Contemptible by CQMS H J Hopper 2nd Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps (Edited by Peter T. Scott)

  • Entente Cordiale / Filling water-bottles (Postcard: P T Scott)

A Diary of the Retreat from Mons. Captain N B C B Grounds, 1st Battalion, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) (Edited by Peter T. Scott)

Lieutenant M R Sweet-Escott, 1st Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment) (Photo P T Scott)

  • Mobilization Miscellany

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  • A Guide to Military Museums by Terrence Wise
  • Military Operations: France and Belgium 1914 (Vol .1)
  • The Hell They Called High Wood by Terry Norman
  • Twice in a Lifetime by M L Walkinton

‘Obturator’ the reviewer of books for the Garrison Library tackles complaints over his style and approach - all correspondence to the Editorial Address

Books We Need

British Military Transport of the Great War

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • From our Founder - thanks for letters regarding his needing to resign as Chairman
  • WFA Somme Tour
  • Shot at Dawn: Review of For the Sake of Example by Julian Sykes
    • ‘Obturator’ critical of this letter and the letter writer’s qualifying comments
  • Cemetery Registers/The Morality of Battlefield Archaeology
  • Hon. Editor on the British Employment of horses during the war
  • John Terraine's 1983 Address
  • Remarks on an article in the Sunday Express by John Laffin that led to an increased in WFA membership by 457
  • The British mine east of Plugstreet Wood from A F Spagnoly

Intelligence Summary

  • Roll of Honour - Seven veteran members remembered

Information Please 



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