Search results for Women.

Here come the girls! The women volunteers at the Army Pay Office Woolwich from August to October 1914


Abstract August 2014 will witness the centenary of the start of the First World War. It is considered that much of the historical aspect will be focused on the all-male fighting army, with little attention being paid to the women's contribution during the course of the war. Yet also in August 1914 the first women to volunteer for the war effort...

'We Too Were Soldiers' by Dr Vivien Newman


WAAC workers and Chief Ordnance Office Staff, Rouen 1917     ‘We Too Were Soldiers’ 1 By Dr Vivien Newman   Viv Newman's long-standing interest in the Great War led, after many years teaching women's war poetry at A level, to a PhD thesis entitled Songs of Wartime Lives: Women's Poetry of the First World War (2004) University of Essex. The thes...

The Virago Book of Women & the Great War


Book review by Ann Clayton. I was gratified to see that this collection of women's experiences of the Great War opens with an extract from Beatrice Kelsey's journal which was first published in Stand To! 44. Following this are extracts from the memoirs, journals and letters of dozens of women, many of whose names are well-known to us, such as Ve...

111: March 2018 Special Edition


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The Contemptible Little Army, 1914 -1918


By Alex Saunt (Major Alex Saunt MBE served with the Light Infantry and with the SAS in Libya, Borneo, Northern Ireland, Germany and Denmark. He was awarded an MBE for his courage). The story of the expansion and development of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) 1914-1918 and how the Contemptible Little Army became a huge, effective machine. B...

Ep. 13 – The Great War tea stall at Peterborough East Station


Beverly Jones, from Peterborough Archives Service, talks about the research into two visitors’ books from a tea stall run by the Women’s United Total Abstinence Council on Peterborough East Railway Station during 1916 and 1917. Your browser does not support the audio elemen...

Ep. 31 – Women in Britain and Europe during the Great War – Dr Vivien Newman


Historian and author Dr Vivien Newman talks about the role and experience of women in Europe and Britain during the First World War.    Your browser does not support the audio element.  

Ep. 103 – The impact of military service for women who served in WW1 – Jane Clarke


Doctoral candidate Jane Clarke, studying at the University of Manchester, discusses her research into the impact of military service for women who served in the First World War. Your browser does not support the audio element.

A Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain


Feminism of the First Hour?  Released in 1933 as Germany faced the beginnings of the rise of fascism, A Testament of Youth recounts the First World War as years of love, desolation and loss leading to a life of pacifism, through the personal narrative of Vera Brittain – a fiancé in waiting turned volunteer nurse.  As a middle-class girl from Der...

Ep. 209 - Irish Women during the Great War - Dr Fionnuala Walsh


Dr Fionnuala Walsh, lecturer in Modern Irish History at University College Dublin, talks about her recent book Irish women during the Great War. This is published by CUP. Your browser does not support the audio element.  

Chilwell – the VC factory explosion 1 July 1918


In 1914 the British armaments industry was primarily geared to supplying the needs of the Royal Navy, export markets, and a small regular army. The Navy’s and Army’s relatively modest armament needs were largely met by state-owned factories and a handful of private firms. But by autumn 1914, it was clear that the essentially static trench warfar...

Dr. Viv Newman - "Now the lousy war is over; plenty still for us to do". Women in the aftermath of the Great War


We welcome Viv Newman back to Hatfield Peverel for her latest presentation.  Over the past few years Viv has shared her research with us about the vital work and contribution of women, across the combatant nations, during the war and in this talk she moves onto the post-war period to discuss the challenges and opportunities that faced women, in...

Simon Called Peter by Robert Keable


Simon Called Peter by Robert Keable  Published 1921 Simon Cape  In ‘Flower of Battle’ (reviewed elsewhere) literary historian Hugh Cecil expounds on the qualities of twelve largely forgotten novelists who wrote fictional accounts, albeit closely following their own First World War experiences; these were published in the 1920s and 1930s. Some so...

A talk by Dr. Vivien Newman 'With bill-hook and stick they cleared out the ditches. Women on the land in the First World War'


In 2004, Viv Newman was awarded a PhD for her thesis Songs of Wartime Lives: Women's Poetry of the First World War (Essex). She was selected by the BBC for their 'Expert Women' training and speaks widely about women in WW1 on local radio, at national and international conferences, and for specialist and general interest audiences. She writes f...

Ep.272 - The Political and Social History of Ireland in the First World War - Dr Niamh Gallagher and Prof Richard Grayson


Dr Niamh Gallagher, University Associate Professor in Modern British and Irish History at the Faculty of History, St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge and Professor Richard Grayson, Professor of Twentieth Century History, Head of History at Goldsmiths, University of London discuss Niamh’s recent book Ireland and the Great War....

'Poor cogs in the machinery of War. A day in the life of a munitions factory' - Dr Vivien Newman


On Wednesday 10th of May we welcome the return of Dr Vivien Newman to our Hatfield Peverel venue, who will present her talk about the Kynoch munitions factory in south Essex. Like many factories this was a massive complex with accommodation and its own railway station. Little remains today. The meeting will have an 8pm start. We meet in the Bar...

Women in the Great War by Judith Beastall


A look at Women's roles during the Great War, from nurses and policewomen to spies!

Sussex Women at War: Iva Mary Harland and Fanny Amelia Kennaird


The Great War is seen as an event that marked and occasioned deep and lasting social change. Historians might argue as to the scale or extent of its effect, but it cannot be denied that post-war Britain was a very different place from that which existed in the idyllic summer of 1914. All aspects of life were affected including the class system,...

‘Wartime Experience of Women and Children’ by Dr. Anna Muggeridge.


The First World War was fought on battlefields across the world and on the home front in villages, towns and cities across Britain. Herefordshire and Worcestershire had a particularly important role to play, producing food not just for servicemen, but also for those at home. Anna explores the experiences of the women and children and some men le...

Ep.306 – Lambton Ladies in the First World War: Katherine, Eleanor, Beatrix and Anne – Peter Welsh


In this podcast, Peter Welsh talks about his research into the daughters of the aristocratic Lambton family, their lives and work during the First World War. Your browser does not support the audio element. The girls were Katherine, Eleano...

‘To What Extent was the First World War the Main Reason for the Enfranchisement of Women in Britain?’


The following essay by Lizzie Kenyon-Muir of Hockerill Anglo-European College in Bishops’ Stortford was the overall winner of the Colin Hardy Memorial Award 2023. Read it here, or as a downloadable PDF. To what Extent was the First World War the Main Reason for the Enfranchisement of Women in Britain? Download PDF This browser does...