I escape from Groningen!

I escape from Groningen!

After the fall of Antwerp in 1914, an R.N.D. Able Seaman is interned in Holland but escapes to En...

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Rupert Brooke - The Hood Battalion of the R.N.D.

Rupert Brooke - The Hood Battalion of the R.N.D.

This is a heavily cut-down version from the 'Letters of Rupert Brooke' which were published acros...

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The Royal Naval Division at Passchendaele 1917

The Royal Naval Division at Passchendaele 1917

The Royal Naval Division at Passchendaele 1917 The following account is a short extract from the...

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The sinking of HMS Hawke : 15 October 1914

The sinking of HMS Hawke : 15 October 1914

Margaret Lyness died on 10 April 1987 and with her went one of the last connections with a major...

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Cpl. Henry White and HMHS Anglia

Cpl. Henry White and HMHS Anglia

Cpl. Henry Richard White signed up early in the war joining the Royal Berkshire Regiment on 6th N...

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PG Wodehouse, the real 'Jeeves' and his Great War

PG Wodehouse, the real 'Jeeves' and his Great War

One of the greatest writers in the English language is PG Wodehouse whose books are still a joy t...

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The Three Pannell Brothers - 'The Day Sussex Died'

The Three Pannell Brothers - 'The Day Sussex Died'

The Three Pannell Brothers - 'The Day Sussex Died' The story of the five Souls brothers, who were...

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Project ALIAS - Collaborative WW1 Pension Records Project

Project ALIAS - Collaborative WW1 Pension Records Project

Project ALIAS - the largest collaborative project in the history of The Western Front Association...

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George Peachment: one of the youngest recipients of the Victoria Cross : 25 September 1915

George Peachment: one of the youngest recipients of the Victoria Cross :...

George Peachment was, when he enlisted, not much different from many other young volunteers in th...

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How the Pension Cards and Ledgers interconnect

How the Pension Cards and Ledgers interconnect

The recent publication of well over a million extra Pension Card from the 'Widows and Dependents'...

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The War at Sea in Home Waters

The War at Sea in Home Waters

The war at sea was wide ranging from engaging with the German High Seas Fleet when it put to sea...

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Pension Cards made available for 'Widows and Dependents of Other Ranks Died'

Pension Cards made available for 'Widows and Dependents of Other Ranks D...

Members of The Western Front Association will be delighted to learn that another massive release...

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