Identifying the Dead: a Short Study of the Identification Tags of 1914-1918

Identifying the Dead: a Short Study of the Identification Tags of 1914-1918

Introduction to Identification Discs and Tags of the First World War   Perhaps one of the mos...

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Handbook of the 18 Pounder Field Gun

Handbook of the 18 Pounder Field Gun

This is the 1913 edition of the British Army Handbook of the 18 Pounder Field Gun of the British...

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Truth in the Telling: A Review of 1917

Truth in the Telling: A Review of 1917

There is much to write about the film 1917. But in the interest of those prospective cinema-goers...

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Captains Frederick ‘Fred’ C. Selous and Frederick ‘Freddie’ H.B. Selous  - The father and son killed on the same day

Captains Frederick ‘Fred’ C. Selous and Frederick ‘Freddie’ H.B. Selous...

There are of course lots of coincidences in the First World War, but one that is quite remarkable...

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1917: Right Story, Wrong Location

1917: Right Story, Wrong Location

The following piece, by military historian Andrew Rawson discusses the location implied in the ne...

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The Action at Rafa: 9 January 1917

The Action at Rafa: 9 January 1917

The Battle at Rafa, (or more accurately the 'Action at Rafa') which took place on 9 January 1917,...

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Some instances of the award of the Albert Medal in the First World War

Some instances of the award of the Albert Medal in the First World War

During the Great War the Albert Medal was awarded to fewer than one hundred servicemen. Less than...

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Hooge Tunnel, Essex Farm and other drawings by Tony Spagnoly

Hooge Tunnel, Essex Farm and other drawings by Tony Spagnoly

Tony Spagnoly sent the following drawings. They were made in 1917 by a member of the 69th Field A...

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Gun Fire 'Notes and Queries'. Some examples

Gun Fire 'Notes and Queries'. Some examples

For the entire 59 editions of Gun Fire the editor, Alf Peacock, ran (with the exception of one or...

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A Second Alternative Guide to the Western Front (extract)

A Second Alternative Guide to the Western Front (extract)

The largest edition of Gun Fire was edition number 26 being 'A Second Alternative Guide to the We...

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Sentenced to Death. The Public Record Office Court Martial Files.

Sentenced to Death. The Public Record Office Court Martial Files.

[This article originally appeared in Gun Fire No.31. It has been lightly edited for the purposes...

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The Sinking of the Anglia: 17 November 1917

The Sinking of the Anglia: 17 November 1917

[This article originally appeared in Gun Fire number 57 and has been lightly edited for website r...

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