Trench Diseases of the First World War

Trench Diseases of the First World War

Trench Diseases of the First World War Introduction to the Western Front The establishment by the...

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The Final One Hundred Days of the Western Front by Dr David Payne

The Final One Hundred Days of the Western Front by Dr David Payne

Introduction The British involvement in war on the Western Front lasted for 1,294 days: from the...

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'From Private to Major via the Foresters Arms': The life, death and rediscovery of Octavius Darby-Griffith, MC

'From Private to Major via the Foresters Arms': The life, death and redi...

British visitors to the south of France will often take the A26 'Autoroute des Anglais' out of Ca...

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Major 'Alastair' Soutar, M.C.

Major 'Alastair' Soutar, M.C.

One of the well known 'classic' accounts of the First World War is 'Twelve Days' published in 193...

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Brothers in Arms

Brothers in Arms

Detailed biographies of individuals who served during the First World War. 

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Memorials of the First World War 

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Porton Revealed

Porton Revealed

General view of Porton from the water tower, c.1918. In the centre background is ’Gas Wood’, whe...

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Passchendaele and the Flanders U-Boats

Passchendaele and the Flanders U-Boats

There can be no doubt that the Flanders U-boats, the thirty seven small UB and UC vessels based a...

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'We Too Were Soldiers' by Dr Vivien Newman

'We Too Were Soldiers' by Dr Vivien Newman

WAAC workers and Chief Ordnance Office Staff, Rouen 1917     ‘We Too Were Soldiers’ 1 By Dr Vivi...

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The Western Front Association preserves a major Great War archive of 6.5 million records

The Western Front Association preserves a major Great War archive of 6.5...

Introduction The Western Front Association (WFA) is delighted to announce that it has secured the...

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MA Dissertations

MA Dissertations

The Western Front Association is pleased to showcase here MA Dissertations written on First World...

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1914 The Memoirs of a Volunteer by Harry Fellows

1914 The Memoirs of a Volunteer by Harry Fellows

[This article first appeared in Stand To! No 11 Summer 1984 pp.34-35. At this time, there were mo...

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