Aubers Ridge 9 May 1915: The Unpleasant Truth

Aubers Ridge 9 May 1915: The Unpleasant Truth

For it appears ridiculous to call it so, the 'battle' of Aubers Ridge fits perfectly the stereoty...

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British Corps Commanders in the Great War

British Corps Commanders in the Great War

As identified by Andrew Simpson in his PhD thesis,[1] there is remarkably little written about Br...

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The Chatsworth Rifles raid at Richebourg

The Chatsworth Rifles raid at Richebourg

An ideal way to obtain an understanding of the First World War is through reading the memoirs of...

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The Battle of the Boar's Head

The Battle of the Boar's Head

Lord Kitchener's famous call for volunteers 'Your Country Needs You' resulted in an overwhelming...

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The Coldstream Guards and Irish Guards at Cuinchy 1915

The Coldstream Guards and Irish Guards at Cuinchy 1915

Cuinchy is a village astride the La Bassée Canal and is referred to by Robert Graves in his class...

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The (other) man who shot down the Red Baron

The (other) man who shot down the Red Baron

By far the most famous ‘ace’ of the Great War was Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen, popularly know...

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Two men with five names: The Curious Case of Cornelius Costello

Two men with five names: The Curious Case of Cornelius Costello

The image of the headstone below, which is in Dover (St James's) Cemetery, is perhaps not terribl...

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The loss of HMS Bulwark : 26 November 1914

The loss of HMS Bulwark : 26 November 1914

Losses of life in the First World War are more often than not attributed to engagements in battle...

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The Battle of Dogger Bank : January 1915

The Battle of Dogger Bank : January 1915

The naval arms race between Britain and Germany had, in the early years of the 20th Century, been...

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Escape from the Desert : October 1915

Escape from the Desert : October 1915

This article could almost be taken from a 'Boy's Own' story of Great War adventures. It features...

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The VC that never was: Colonel Souter's gallantry against the Senussi, 1916

The VC that never was: Colonel Souter's gallantry against the Senussi, 1916

Colonel Hugh Maurice Wellesley Souter was born in India in 1872. Originally commissioned into the...

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One of the last true cavalry charges: The Charge of The Dorset Yeomanry at Agagia, Western Desert, 26 February 1916

One of the last true cavalry charges: The Charge of The Dorset Yeomanry...

Britain's declaration of war on Turkey on 5 November 1914 created a threat to the Suez Canal, a v...

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