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Search results for German Army.
The German Army in the Offensives of 1917: Arras, the Aisne and Champagne
By Jack Sheldon Pen and Sword 2015, £25.00, 384pp, 55 ills, 13 maps, notes and refs, 2 appendices (including selective biographical notes, bibliog, index. ISBN: 9– 781–783–463–459 Review by David Filsell This volume of Jack Sheldon’s highly–detailed series of books on the German Army in the Great War follows his usual effective model – employing...
The Kaiser’s Reluctant Conscript: My Experiences in the War 1914-1918. Richert, Dominik.
Barnsley, South Yorkshire Pen & Sword Military, 2012. Born in 1893, Dominick Richert had completed less than a year of his compulsory service with the German Army when war broke out in August 1914. Almost five years passed before he returned home. His experiences during the intervening period were almost unbelievably eventful. He participa...
Britain and Victory in the Great War (ed)
Edited Peter Liddle Pen & Sword, £25.00, 374pp, 74 b/w ills, 12 maps, notes, refs, bibliog and index. ISBN: 978–147–389–161–6 Peter Liddle, compiler and editor of this themed essay collection, uses a slightly provocative title to remind us that Britain fought in a coalition and was not always the senior partner. Ed Spiers’ introductory essay...
12 May 1915: Musk Josef Abberger
Already a serving soldier at the outbreak of war, he transferred to the newly expanded Lehr Infantry Regiment at Potsdam in early 1914 and first saw action at Namur during the invasion of Belgium in August 1914. After moving to the Eastern Front, Josef fought at the 1st Battle of the Masurian Lakes and the Battle of Lodz before moving to the C...
Ep. 99 – The German Army in 1918 – Jack Sheldon
Historian Jack Sheldon talks about the performance and collapse of the German Army during the Hundred Days in 1918. Your browser does not support the audio element.
Out Now ! Stand To ! No. 124 An introduction and Contents
This is the fourth edition of Stand To! this year - one more than usual, and something we will do every year from now on, with four editions of Stand To! each year and three editions of Bulletin. Stand To! Editor Matt Leonard writes that ‘the extra edition allows for more of your research to be published and gives further room for topics that g...
Marching to the Marne with Ross Beadle
Ross examines the advance of the German Army through Belgium and France in August and September 1914 and identifies ten key decisions - six German, three French and one Anglo-French - that changed the eventual outcome of the campaign, two of which probably destroyed what small chance Germany had of a decisive victory. ~ ~ ~ The Warwick Arms Hot...
German Trench Raiding with Dr. Michael LoCicero
Michael makes a welcome return to our Branch and will be presenting 'German Trench Raiding'. This will compliment a recent talk that discussed British raids, their successes, failures and the information gathered and how this assisted in decision making.
A talk by Christina Holstein 'Verdun: The Left Bank'
Christina Holstein is a leading authority on the Battle of Verdun. For many years she lived close to the battlefield and has explored it in great detail. She regularly conducts tours of the battlefield for individuals or groups and, with her specialized knowledge of the terrain, has acted as consultant to a number of other historians, TV produc...
Ross Beadle - ‘The Origins of the Schlieffen Plan: German War Planning up to July 1914'
This talk will consider how 'If you make a false premise at the very beginning, it really doesn’t matter how relentlessly logical you are thereafter the whole edifice is built on sand'. That is the story of German war planning. And to complicate the history further, once 44 years of work has gone belly up, as it did in 1914, those responsible ha...
Dr. Michael LoCicero - ‘Discredit on those concerned: The German Trench Raid Near Loos, 5 January 1917 and the 'Duty of Dying'
In a welcome return to the branch, Michael will be reviewing his contribution to The Darkest Year: The British Army on the Western Front 1917 edited by Spencer Jones and which deals with a highly successful German trench raid at Loos in January 1917. Penetrating deep into the British position it resulted in the immediate sacking of a British bat...
Film Review : All Quiet on the Western Front reviewed by Major General David T. Zabecki, U.S. Army (Ret’d)
[This article first featured in edition No.123 of Bulletin (page 48). Members received this, our in-house magazine three times a year and Stand To! our journal, four times a year]. The new German remake of All Quiet on the Western Front is an excellent movie-right up until the final half hour. Then it goes off the rails. The period work is spo...
ONLINE: Doomed Youth: the Germans at Vimy Ridge 1917 with Jesse Alexander
The presentation will be live and online. The Battle of Vimy Ridge is one of the most prominent events of the First World War in Canadian public memory, in the experience of British visitors to the Western Front, and for the local French community. In Germany, it is virtually unknown, despite the fact that tens of thousands of German troops...
'German grand strategy and the introduction of new tactics in 1916-1917' a talk by Dr Tony Cowan
An analysis of the grand strategic background to the introduction of new German tactics and weapons in 1916-1917: everything was interconnected, one reason why fighting on the Western Front was so complicated. Dr Tony Cowan was awarded his PhD by King’s College London. His book Holding Out: The German Army and Operational Command in 1917 will b...
ONLINE : 'Arrogant and Dashing Throwbacks’: German Elite and Non-elite Troops, 1914-1918' with Dr Tony Cowan
This paper analyses the German army’s system for assessing the quality of its units in the First World War. There are four possible ways of defining elite German troops before and during the war – socially elite, such as Guards units, the ‘arrogant and dashing throwbacks’ of the title; the 1918 classification into assault and position-holding di...
Ep. 314 – The German Army in 1917 – Dr Tony Cowan
Author and academic Dr Tony Cowan talks about his recent book, Holding Out. Your browser does not support the audio element. Holding Out examines German operational command during a critical phase of the First World War from Novembe...