Search results for Peter Crook.

An Irish Soldier in the British Army


Survivors of 47 Brigade going back to rest area after the Battle of Guillemont-Ginchy, September 1916. Image: ‘Claremen in the 1st Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers’. J Kidney is listed in the section ‘Clare men in the Royal Munster Fusiliers and where they came from’. 16th (Irish) Division and the Gas Attacks at Hulluch (Loos)...

Arthur Boyle Private and Pensioner


  Painting by Diane Lavery 1998 from a photograph of Arthur Boyle taken in 1917   Arthur Boyle, born in 1894, from Castlemaine in Co. Kerry, volunteered to serve in the South Irish Horse on 25 January 1917. He was one of over 200,000 Irish men who volunteered to serve in the British army in the First World War. The great majority came from what...

After Amiens – 38th (Welsh) Division


It happened in the barber’s where my mother had taken me when I was a young child. ‘Mummy, why is that man making funny noises?’ The wheezing, rattling and muted bubbling sound stopped briefly as he turned to look at me, expressionless, then nodded towards my mother and turned away. My mother gave a very, very sharp tug on my coat sleeve. ‘Shhh!...

115: May 2019


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Following in R C Sherriff’s footsteps – the path to his own ‘Journey’s End’ in the Great War


  Crescent Trench - British front line, 31 July 1917 8th Battalion Queen’s (Royal West Surrey) Regiment, 72 Brigade, 24th Division had attacked from this trench, left to right, on 31 July 1917 – the first day of the Third Battle of Ypres. They managed to advance about 1000 yards then were forced to fall back to Jordan Trench (see later photogra...

A soldier of the Cheshire Regiment - thrice missing: Private Peter Mahon


On the day I began writing this article, 11 November 2020, I reflected, as did we all, upon the burial of the 'Unknown Soldier' on this day a century ago at Westminster Abbey. He was, of course, one of the many 'Missing – Known unto God'.  What follows is an attempt at revealing something of the story of a soldier. Again, one of the 'Missing. Ki...

Tom Roberts’ Letters Home 1915


Tom Roberts was born in Llanelli in South Wales, attended Park Street School, the Higher Grade School and the Intermediate School there and went on to be a student at, what was then, University College Aberystwyth. He was appointed as a primary school teacher in London and was due to start teaching in September 1914 but never took up the post. H...

Hooge in the the ‘Wipers Times’


The Wipers Times was published by soldiers fighting in the front line. It was produced by British soldiers from the 12th Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derby Regiment) of the 24th Division. In early 1916, the 12th Battalion was deployed in the front line at Ypres and Captain F. J. Roberts and his men came across an abandoned p...

Away from the Front Line – Poperinge, La Poupée and Talbot House


The 50th anniversary of the death of Tubby Clayton In his memoir, ‘Tales of Talbot House’ (see references below) Tubby Clayton* described Poperinge, at the beginning of the war, as a town of 11,000 inhabitants ‘with no features of interest to the visitor’ (page 8). It was 12 km directly to the west of Ypres and relatively, but not entirely, safe...

In praise of a Colonel and a Lance Corporal. The Advance of 9th Battalion Cheshire Regiment (part of 19th [Western] Division) in the Battle of Messines 7 June 1917 by Peter Crook


As far as some Colonels were concerned, the writing of their Battalion War Diaries was regarded as an unwelcome bureaucratic exercise although they provided necessary information which would be passed up the chain of command. The entries in their War Diaries, obligatory because of a Field Service Regulation, had to be signed off by them, or a se...