Search results for Peter Hart.

100: June 2014 Special Edition


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104: September 2015 Special Edition


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106: July 2016 Special Edition


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Journey's End - The Surrey Branch Seminar - November 2018


  For more info and to book:Email Caroline Haley, Programme Secretary,WFA Surrey

SPECIAL OFFER: 'Two Sides of the Same Wrong Penny: Gallipoli and the Western Front: A comparison' edited by Michael LoCicero with contributions from Gary Sheffield, Stephen Chambers and others.


Announcing the launch of the Western Front Association / Helion publication: Two Sides of the Same Wrong Penny: Gallipoli and the Western Front, A Comparison The year 1915 saw the BEF severely challenged on the Western Front. Recovering from the loss of the majority of experienced regulars in 1914, a largely new army had to come to terms with t...

Aces Falling, War Above The Trenches, 1918


  By Peter Hart ISBN: 978 0 297 84653 6 HB 386 £22.50 Published by Weidenfield & Nicholson. Peter Hart, as one has come to expect, has written a first class account of the 1918 Air War. He has used his intimate knowledge of Great War veterans to illuminate their vital part in achieving the hard won victories in the late summer and autumn of...

109 : June/July 2017 Special Edition


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111: March 2018 Special Edition


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113: October 2018 Special Edition


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116: October 2019 Special Edition


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Ep. 70 – The Last Battle – Endgame on the Western Front 1918 – Peter Hart


Historian Peter Hart about his new book The Last Battle – Endgame on the Western Front 1918, published by Profile books. Your browser does not support the audio element.

The Sky Their Battlefield by Trevor Henshaw (reviewed by Peter Hart)


Fetubi Books, ISBN: 9–780–992–977–115 (softback) £40.00 ISBN: 9–780–992–977–108 (hardback) £50.00  This is the most important book published on the Great War this year. The first edition produced back in 1995 seemed unbeatable, but this is even better. Revised from top to bottom it covers the carefully indexed contributions to the air war of so...

Defeat at Gallipoli by Nigel Steel and Peter Hart


xvi 480pp. Hardback. £17.99. Macmillan. 1994. ISBN 0 33 55314 4.  Those of us who seek to pass judgement on the conduct of the Western Front campaign really should study what happened when we attempted to achieve a less costly decision through attacking Germany's allies. This book can therefore be recommended as being the best serious work of th...

1918: A Very British Victory by Peter Hart


Weidenfeld & Nicholson, £20, 552pp 15 maps, 30 ills, notes, index. ISBN 978 0 297 84652 9  As a recent thread on the invaluable Great War Forum has underlined, I am far from alone in my dislike of the plethora of books which drag the words ‘forgotten’, ‘voices’ and ‘heroes’ into their titles.  Firstly, few voices are truly forgotten, they ar...

‘Wisht Lads: Washington in the Great War by Peter Welsh


Pen & Sword, 2014,  £12.99, 172pp ISBN: 9–781–783–463–855 [This review by Peter Hart first appears in Issue 103 of Stand To! The Journal of The Western Front Association which is published three times a year. Members receive this and Bulletin, as well as gaining access to the entire archive of Stand To!, Gun Fire and Free access to our digit...

Victory at Gallipoli: The German–Ottoman Alliance in the First World War by Klaus Wolf


Translation from the German by Tim Iredal £30, Pen & Sword Military, illustrations. ISBN 9781526768162. There has been much excitement amongst the linguistically challenged Gallipoli historian community at the release of Victory at Gallipoli. Originally published in Germany in 2008, the book’s revision and translation exponentially increases...

'The Summer of Madness : 1916' with Peter Hart


Author and Historian Peter Hart will give a talk on 'The Summer of Madness on the Somme 1916'. All welcome. Peter Hart is a British military historian and an oral historian at the IWM Sound Archive  since 1981. He has written extensively on the British role in the First World War. His books include; The Somme, Jutland 1916, Bloody April (on the...

‘Nobody’s Heroes – 8th East Lancs in the Great War’ - Stephen Barker


  CHANGE OF SPEAKER Due to circumstances beyond our control the speaker this month has changed to  Stephen Barker ‘Nobody’s Heroes – 8th East Lancs in the Great War’  Although the talk is about a Lancashire battalion, the presentation gives an impression of life in and out of the trenches for any Service Battalion of the First World War, irrespe...

Britain's Greatest Commander in Chief with Peter Hart


PETER HART ~ HAIG: BRITAIN'S GREATEST COMMANDER IN CHIEF. A rip roaring defence with few holds barred.   ~ ~ ~    Peter Hart was the oral historian at the IWM for 39 years. He has written many books on the Great War.

Boy Soldiers of the Great War Revisited by Richard van Emden


[This wonderful article first appeared in the April 2022 edition of Stand To! It is shared here by way of example of the quality of articles members enjoy in every edition of our journal]. Shortly before my father died in 2002, he had a book published that he had been working on since the late 1970s (it was on the Old French epic The Song of Ro...

'The Butte de Warlencourt' with Peter Hart


  We welcome Author and Historian Peter Hart to Lewes. Well known among all the Branches Peter will be talking to us about  Butte de Warlencourt, November 1916 and setting the scene on this historic place.  This will be a emotional talk.  We ask for a £5 donation to cover our expenses.  All welcome  Image: The Butte de Warlencourt with memorials...

A talk by Peter Hart 'The Evacuation of Helles 1916'


We are looking forward to welcoming Peter Hart to the branch once again.  He has been a regular speaker for us over many years, and we have missed his visits over the past couple of years. Peter worked as the Oral Historian at the Imperial War Museum between 1981 and 2020.  In that time he interviewed innumerable veterans of both World Wars.  He...

A talk by Peter Hart 'Somme Success. The Royal Flying Corps and the Battle of the Somme'


(Image IWM 05153 aircraft approaching the airfield at Baisieux, Somme)   Peter Hart needs little introduction to WFA members.  He has been speaking at branches for over twenty years and has visited us in Canterbury no fewer than nine times. However, he has eighteen talks in his list, so we are only half way through! He is also well known for his...

“The Evacuation of Helles” - Peter Hart


The evacuation marked the end of the ill-starred and ill-fated Gallipoli campaign. To those of longstanding members Peter needs no introduction but to those of you who have not heard him before, either at earlier branch meetings, on TV or on any of his numerous pod casts I think I can say that you will find him entertaining informative and incre...

Laugh or Cry: The British Soldier on the Western Front 1914-1918


Laugh or Cry: The British Soldier on the Western Front 1914-1918 Lively and supremely well informed, Peter Hart is a military historian specialising in the Great War. He was the Oral Historian at the Imperial War Museum from 1981 until his retirement and is the author of many Great War books. Here he is teamed up with his irrepressible collabora...

Third Regional Conference of The Gallipoli Association, Burnley


The Gallipoli Association in conjunction with the East Lancashire Branch of The Western Front Association Speaker line up: Dr. Martin Purdy : 'Careful of a court martial ... the private diary and images of a junior officer at Gallipoli'  Mike Crane : 'The 1/5th East Lancashire Regiment and the four Bolton brothers'. Peter Hart : 'The Winter Sto...

‘Laugh or Cry: Conditions in the Trenches’ with Peter Hart


Peter Hart will be giving a talk on trench warfare.  We ask people to arrive by 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start.  Peter became an oral historian at the Sound Archive of Imperial War Museum in London in 1981. He has written mainly on British participation in the First World War. His books include: The Somme, Jutland 1916; Bloody April on the air war in...

'Somme Success: The RFC and the Battle of the Somme, 1916 by Peter Hart'


Somme Success: The RFC and the Battle of the Somme, 1916 by Peter Hart   The talk title is self-explanatory, however yet another Great War area that not many may be familiar with. Most, if not all, Great War enthusiasts will know Peter and his body of work.  He is regarded as a lively, well informed and amusing speaker.  Peter is a regular and p...

'Somme success: The RFC and the Battle of the Somme, 1916' by Peter Hart


Peter discusses one of the great aerial battles played out during the summer and autumn of 1916 above the Somme battlefields. Photo reconnaissance conducted by both sides to identify the positioning of infantry and artillery, the need for aerial bombing, and fighter aircraft to deny the enemy access to the skies. Mention of Air Aces on both side...

A Commemoration of Warwick and the Gallipoli campaign


In August 1915 men of the 9th Battalion of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment and the 1st Warwickshire Yeomanry took part in this ill -fated campaign of World War One. They suffered heavy casualties. The Fusilier Museum and the , in conjunction with the Gallipoli Association, are holding a series of events. These will be held at the Court Room and...

The Milton Keynes WFA Conference


Expert speakers presenting exciting aspects of the Great War:  Alexandra Churchill: ‘The Hejaz Railway’ Peter Hart, Gary Beale: ‘Laughter or Cry: Life or Death in the Trenches’ Michael O' Brien: 'The Pirate of Buccari’ Helen Frost: ‘The Women’s Land Army ‘ Buffet lunch included, plus tea, coffee and biscuits throughout the day. Militaria an...

'Rupert Brooke & The Glitterati at Gallipoli ' with Peter Hart


Rupert Brooke & The Glitterati at Gallipoli   -Peter Hart This presentation chronicles the story of the poet Rupert Brooke, who Yeats described as 'the handsomest young man in England'. The talk will detail his early life and his war service. In 1915 he joined the Royal Naval Division's Hood Battalion, and sailed with them in February 1915....

Laugh or Cry - The British Soldier on the Western Front - Peter Hart


Laugh or Cry The British Soldier on the Western Front  Peter Hart the former sound archivist of the Imperial War Museum and author of several books makes a welcome return to Somerset . Humor helped the British Tommy survive the terrible experiences they faced in the trenches  of the Western Front. Peter will present examples of the soldiers wit...

‘HMS Warspite and The Battle of Jutland’ with Peter Hart


We welcome back to Sussex historian and author and all round good chap Peter Hart. He will be speaking about HMS Warspite and The Battle of Jutland.  Peter is always popular and what a great way to start off 2024.   We ask for a £5 donation to cover our costs, all are welcome to our branch.

'Laugh or Cry' with Peter Hart


Peter Hart will be  giving a talk based on his latest book 'Laugh or Cry'  Featured Image: National Library of Scotland License: CC BY 4.0 

‘The French at Gallipoli’ with Peter Hart


Peter Hart is the author of the magisterial ‘Gallipoli’ and many other books on the Great War. Regarded as a lively, well-informed, and amusing speaker, Peter is a regular and popular branch speaker. He is a military historian specialising in the First World War and was, until his retirement, the Oral Historian at the Imperial War Museum. Main I...

Laugh or Cry, Conditions on The Western Front - Peter Hart


Laugh or Cry, Conditions on The Western Front - Peter Hart Humor helped the British Tommy survive the terrible experiences they faced in the trenches  of the Western Front. Peter will present examples of the soldiers wit to help them through these difficult times , you have to laugh or cry.   

LAUGH OR FLY: speaker Peter Hart


The airmen lived their lives amidst a strange dichotomy as they moved from safety to dire danger, and back again in a matter of hours. This created a dreadful strain that could soon shred anyone’s mental health. Flying personnel, blessed with beds and blankets, had the mess for entertainment, access to drink and, sometimes visits to local towns....