Search results for Vimy Ridge.

26 October 1917 : Pte George Towler


George Towler was born at Horton in Ribblesdale, Yorkshire on 22 April 1891, the son of John (farmer) and Rose (née Thwaite), the fourth child of seven.   Age 20 at the 1911 Census George was working in Lancaster as a grocer's apprentice. He then emigrated to Canada. At the time of his enlistment he was working as a grocer's clerk in Alberta.  H...

27 May 1918 : Pte George Leonard Collins


George Collins was born 1 May 1884, Clapham, London. His father James died in 1900, his mother Frances Sophia Collins was from Ireland, died in 1912. In 1966, I visited for the first time, the grave of my grandfather, George Leonard Collins, in Vailly-sur-Aisne British Cemetery, France. Image: Grave of Private George Leonard Collins 204071 2nd...

098: September 2013


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109 : June/July 2017 Special Edition


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30 June 1917 : Cpl Alex Robert Colman


Born at Tranmere, Cheshire on 15 April 1897, Alex was the son of Robert (a coffee shop proprietor) and Annie. Alex moved to Montgomery County, Indiana, USA in 1912  He then moved to Canada, where he gained employment as a stenographer. He enlisted into the Canadian Army at Port Arthur, Ontario on 13 September 1915. He trained at Port Arthur and...

10 August 1918 : 916855 Corporal Harry Cecil Ellis


Born 6 September 1891 in Westbury on Trym, Gloucestershire, their fifth child, the son of George and Zenobia Ellis of Parnell Road, Clevedon, Somerset.  At the April 1911 Census, the 18 year old Harry, now a grocer, lived at the imposing 18 Hill Road, Clevedon with 9 others, most of whom, including the Head of the House were drapers and milliner...

Sentenced to Death. The Public Record Office Court Martial Files.


[This article originally appeared in Gun Fire No.31. It has been lightly edited for the purposes of publishing on the WFA's website. Illustrations have been added that did not appear in the original. All of these magazines are now available to WFA members via the Member Login. Joining the Western Front Association gives you access not only to th...

8 January 1917: PTE James Tongue


Pte 11850 J. Tongue of the 1st King's Liverpool Regiment was executed after a trial for desertion, the execution taking place between 6.30 and 7.45 am at Brailly on 8 January 1917. 'The case is a bad one' wrote the commander of the Fifth Army. 'I am unable to concur in the view that a man who has been passed fit for General Service can be excuse...

The War Underground. The Tunnellers of the Great War by Alexander Barrie


Spellmount Ltd, Staplehurst, £14.99, soft back, 272pp, 22ills, 5maps, bibliography, ISBN 1 86227 081 3.  Amongst other new paperbacks is Spellmount's edition of Alexander Barrie's somewhat elderly War Underground. Although first published in 1962 and republished as a hardback in 2000, as far as I know it remains the fullest account on the subjec...

Placing the Battle of Messines Ridge in context by Peter Simkins


This is the Foreword to Ian Passingham's Pillars of Fire. The Battle of Messines Ridge June 1917 by Peter Simkins  For the British Dominion divisions serving on the Western Front under Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, 1917 was a year of transition and mixed fortunes. In the collective folk-memory of Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand the...

A Visitor’s Guide, the Battles of Arras: North: Vimy Ridge to Oppy Wood and Gavrelle


Pen & Sword, 2019, £14.99, 192pp, b/w ills, maps, appendices, index. ISBN: 978–147–389–303–0 As all Western Front Association members know, engaging with the battlefields of the First World War is a fascinating experience. The landscape of the Western Front is the last witness to the conflict, and regardless of the degree of restoration, it...

ONLINE: Currie, Vimy, and the Learning Curves


The presentation will be live and online.  To commemorate the Canadian capture of Vimy Ridge 104 years ago almost to the day, we will be having not one but two speakers on this webinar.  Bill Stewart will explain how the capture of Vimy Ridge in April 1917 is the best known and most celebrated Canadian victory of the First World War. This prese...

The Labyrinth and the 6th Seaforth Highlanders


The Labyrinth was a maze of trenches at the southern end of the Vimy Ridge, north east of the villages of Anzin and Maroeuil. On the right the ground sloped down to the ruined village of Roclincourt. Above: The Labyrinth (Ashdown Forest Research Group) Above and below: Stereoscope images of the Labyrinth The area had been the scene of fierce...

General Sir Henry Wilson and the Disaster at Vimy - The German attack on IV Corps


If anyone who has an interest in the Great War is asked name an event associated with Vimy Ridge, it is likely that 9 out of 10 will immediately think of the Canadian attack of April 1917. This brilliant feat of arms is something that will always be remembered, but there is far more to Vimy Ridge than this battle. Throughout the First World War,...

ONLINE: Doomed Youth: the Germans at Vimy Ridge 1917 with Jesse Alexander


The presentation will be live and online.   The Battle of Vimy Ridge is one of the most prominent events of the First World War in Canadian public memory, in the experience of British visitors to the Western Front, and for the local French community. In Germany, it is virtually unknown, despite the fact that tens of thousands of German troops...

Vimy Ridge Day 2024


The Government of Canada will be holding a commemoration event at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial at 3pm on Tuesday 9th April 2024. This will mark the 107th Anniversary of the Canadian Corps’ magnificent action in capturing Vimy Ridge in the early days of the Battle of Arras. The memorial, designed by Walter S. Allward and unveiled by King E...

Vimy Ridge - Remembrance Day Commemoration - 10th November 2024


The Government of Canada will be holding an act of remembrance at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, on Sunday 10th November 2024 at 11am. This inspiring memorial, located just to the north of the city of Arras, honours all Canadians who served during the First World War and bears the inscribed names of over 11,000 of those who died in France...