Search results for Gary Sheffield.

Who's Who at The Western Front Association


Patrons, Presidents, Trustees and Appointees of The Western Front Association  Founded by John Giles. Inaugurated 11 November 1980. Registered Charity No. 298365.   Patrons of The Western Front Association  Professor Sir Hew Strachan CVO FBA FRS Professor Peter Simkins MBE FRHistS   Honorary President of The Western Front Association  Professor...

033: Winter 1991


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034: Spring 1992


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Facing Armageddon: The First World War Experienced


By Hugh Cecil and Dr Peter Liddle First published by Leo Cooper in 1996, New edition edition (April 2003) £60 hardback 2003 edition. £10 - £13 second hand. ISBN-10: 1844680029 ISBN-13: 978-1844680023 New Edition 3 November 2016 £16.99 softback or £4.99 Kindle from Pen & Sword Pen & Sword, 936p, Ills, detialed notess & refs, bibliog,...

Passchendaele - The Untold Story


Book review by Gary Sheffield. With the publication in 1992 of Command on the Western Front, Robin Prior and Trevor Wilson immediately took their place among the foremost authorities on the British Army of the Great War. Their cool analysis, based on impressive labours in the archives, was far removed from the crude 'lions led by donkeys' stereo...

British Bunglers and Butchers of World War One


Book review by Gary Sheffield. I should at once declare an interest. In July 1996 the BBC screened a Timewatch documentary on Douglas Haig. Dr. Laffin appeared as the main counsel for the prosecution, while I, along with several other historians, acted for the accused. Inevitably, the demands of television over-simplified the issues - I am by no...

Above the Trenches - Supplement


Book review by Gary Sheffield. Above the Trenches - A Complete Record of the Fighter Aces and Units of the British Empire Air Forces 1915-20 first appeared in 1990 and was a mine of useful information. This Supplement consists of more of the same: brief biographies of pilots omitted from the original book, plus other information that the indefat...

Retreat Hell! We Only Just Got Here! The American Expeditionary Force in France, 1917-1918


By Martin Marix Evans Published by Osprey Militery, Oxford 1998 Review by Gary Sheffield. I have always thought that the distinction sometimes drawn between 'popular' and 'academic' history is unhelpful. The real categories are good and bad history and this book most definitely falls into the former category. By far the worst thing about this bo...

Forgotten Victory


Book Review by David Filsell. Although published last year, lack of a publisher's copy has sadly long delayed the review of Gary Sheffield's Forgotten Victory in Stand To! Fortunately, apart from his 'day job' - Warfare Historian on the Higher Command and Staff Course - he is well known through his regular, and effective, expositions of revisio...

093: December 2011/January 2012


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The Chief: Douglas Haig and the British Army


Reviewed by David Filsell. In the last four years three new biographies of Douglas Haig have been published. Each, of the works helps mark the fact that the Field Marshal is being seen not as ‘butcher and bungler’ but as a figure of historical importance and deserving of sober unemotional analysis. Douglas Haig’s post-Great War reputation has fo...

SPECIAL OFFER: 'Two Sides of the Same Wrong Penny: Gallipoli and the Western Front: A comparison' edited by Michael LoCicero with contributions from Gary Sheffield, Stephen Chambers and others.


Announcing the launch of the Western Front Association / Helion publication: Two Sides of the Same Wrong Penny: Gallipoli and the Western Front, A Comparison The year 1915 saw the BEF severely challenged on the Western Front. Recovering from the loss of the majority of experienced regulars in 1914, a largely new army had to come to terms with t...

‘1918-2018: The End of the War and the Re-Shaping of a Century’ 6-8 September


‘1918-2018: The End of the War and the Re-Shaping of a Century’   This important and unique conference will be taking place between the 6-8 September 2018 at the University of Wolverhampton. Seven keynote addresses from some of the leading academic authorities on the First World War and its aftermath will be at the heart of the conference, alon...

REMINDER: Up Coming WFA National and Regional Conferences


  Suffolk : 11 August 2018 Suffolk 5th Annual Centenary Conference '1918 The Winning Formula'   Speakers: Peter Simkins, Jack Sheldon and Peter Hart Panel Discussion chaired by Taff Gillingham VENUE: University of Suffolk in Ipswich Purchase Tickets > HERE         Wolverhampton : 6-8 September 2018 WFA/University of Wolverhampton   Centena...

Stand To! Online


In 1982 a survey went out with Issue. No.5 of Stand To! It asked members what they were interested in. This list of ‘requests’ immediately fed into the content for the following decade and represents the exceptional broad range of material readers and researchers can enjoy. These are the items that interested readers then:  Artillery War Artist...

Douglas Haig War Diaries and Letters 1914-1918


ISBN: 0 297 84702 3  HB 550 pages £25.00  Published by Weindenfeld & Nicholson.  Edited by Gary Sheffield & John Bourne.  No one General has suffered such vilification over the years as Douglas Haig. In this most recent edited version of his famous, some would say infamous diaries the reader at last comes to see the man for what he was,...

Military Historian: My Part in the Birth and Development of War Studies 1966–2016 by Brian Bond


By Brian Bond Helion, £19.95, 152pp, hb, ills. ISBN: 978–191–239–040–3  Brian Bond is one of the most significant British military historians of the last 50 years. Specialising in the period 1914 to 1945, he has a string of important books to his credit: Liddell Hart – A Study of his Military Thought, (1972); British Military Policy between the...

Two Sides of the Same Bad Penny? Gallipoli and the Western Front, a Comparison


Editor Michael LoCicero Helion, £26.96, hb, 266pp, 22 ills, 4 maps, notes, refs and index. ISBN: 978–191–109–668–9 The sub–title – Gallipoli and the Western Front, A Comparison – suggests a comparative study of various aspects of these two quite different theatres of war. Given that the Gallipoli campaign was relatively short and that fighting o...

Long Long Trail A–winding: Centenary Perspectives on the Great War Editor  Dr Andrew Cromac


Editor  Dr Andrew Cromac The Society of Army Historical Research, Special Publication No.18, £10.00+p&p postage and packing, 173pp, 38 ills, tables and maps. Copies are available from the Honorary Editor, Andrew Cormack ( Invoices will be sent after posting. Please do not send money with your order. PayPal facility is ava...

The Sons of John Company: The Indian & Pakistan Armies by John Gaylor


1903-1991 Parapress. 1996. Hardback, 379 pp., £19.99. ISBN 1898594 414.  [This review first appeared in Stand To! no.51 January 1998. It is one of over 2,200 reviews of books about the First World War which are available to search in the Stand To! archive by members of The Western Front Association]. This is a very welcome book.  The contributio...

Change of Subject : General Hugo de Pree and the First World War


Same Speaker, Change of Topic.  Prof Gary Sheffield's talk will now be entitled: In Haig's Shadow - Brig-Gen Hugo de Pree and the First World War   Hugo de Pree was the nephew of Douglas Haig. Only nine years apart in age they were close friends. He had a distinguished military career in his own right. A gunner, he was Chief of Staff of IV Corps...

Cancelled 14 March : Study Day ‘The War Against the Ottoman Empire 1914-1918'


First World War Research Group Study Day : ‘The War Against the Ottoman Empire 1914-1918' featuring presentations from Professor Gary Sheffield, Dr James Kitchen, James Halstead and Dr Phylomena Badsey.  VENUE: Room MC001, Lecture Theatre, Millennium City (MC) Building, City Campus Wulfruna (South), University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton WV...

Forgotten Victory by Professor Gary Sheffield


Headline Book Publishing, £20.00, 298pp. ISBN 0 74727157 7.  Although published last year [2001], lack of a publisher's copy has sadly long delayed the review of Gary Sheffield's Forgotten Victory in Stand To! Fortunately, apart from his 'day job' - Warfare Historian on the Higher Command and Staff Course - he is well known through his regular,...

Ep. 137 – The letters of Douglas Haig and Hugo De Pree – Prof. Gary Sheffield


Professor Gary Sheffield, Professor of War Studies at the University of Wolverhampton, talks about a collection of papers, In Haig’s Shadow, that he has recently edited and has been published by Greenhill Books. This volume features private papers from the De Pree family that include unseen correspondence from Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig and...

Bulletin 116 : April 2020 out now


Bulletin arrived through member's letterboxes this morning and is going out to Digital Members right now. The following provides a contents listing for Bulletin 116. April 2020 Contents Introduction and News President’s Introduction : Professor Gary Sheffield  Rob Thompson receives The Western Front Association Hero Award Obituary: Geoff Longm...

A Short History of the First World War by Gary Sheffield


Oneworld Publications, soft covers, 2014, £8.99. 256pp ISBN: 9–781–780–743–646  Writing a book to cover the first truly global conflict in a concise and meaningful way might seem daunting. Professor Sheffield is not the first to write a ‘short history’, nor will he be the last. He has managed to produce a very clear account of the war; from its...

Command and Control on the Western Front: The British Army's Experience 1914-1918 by Dr Gary Sheffield and Dr Dan Todman


Spellmount, Staplehurst, £20, 223pp, maps, illustrations, notes, references, index. ISBN 1-86227-083-X BECKET (Prof IAN) AND CORVI (STEVEN):  Haig's Generals, Pen and Sword Books, Barnsley, £19.99, 217pp, maps, illustrations, notes, references, index. ISBN 1-84415-169-7  Published in 2004, it is, in the words of Stand To! Review Editor, Bob Wyat...

ONLINE: 'John Terraine as a Military Historian Revisited' by Prof Gary Sheffield


The presentation will be live and online. Just a few days before what would have been John Terraine's 100th birthday, we will be reviewing John's career as a historian of the Great War and assessing his significance. In this presentation Prof Gary Sheffield will look at John Terraine's feud with Basil Liddell Hart, and how his work fares today i...

In Flanders Fields by Leon Wolff


In the history of the Great War, are there two names more freighted with the encumbrance of ‘mud, blood and futility’ than Ypres and Passchendaele? Yet, when reading Leon Wolff’s In Flanders Fields, notably the latter chapters which focus on what became known as the Battle of Passchendaele, it is difficult not to give way to such sentiments. Wol...

Kitchener by John Pollock


Constable, 2001, 598pp., £20.  ISBN 0 09 480340 4  Earl Kitchener of Khartoum remains a source of fascination for historians and biographers. The archetypal Imperial warrior, he presided over the British war effort in the early years of the Great War. By adopting methods of total war, planning for a long conflict and raising a mass army of volun...

The Great War 1914- 1918 by Ian F.W.Becket


Modern Wars in Perspective Series Longman, 2001, pb, 508pp, maps, £16.99. ISBN 0 582 32248 0. There have been some important works on the Great War published recently; the first volume of the new history by Hew Strachan is reviewed elsewhere in this issue, and we have a new contribution of great merit from Gary Sheffield. Ian Becket is a great m...

ONLINE: A Revolution in Military Affairs? with Prof Gary Sheffield


The presentation will be live and online. In this talk, Professor Gary Sheffield argues that the First World War represented a turning point in the history of conflict. The conduct of war underwent a profound, revolutionary change. He will examine the nature of that change, setting it in the context of theories about Revolutions in Military Affa...

122 : April 2021


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ONLINE: 'John Terraine as a Military Historian, Revisited' a presentation by Prof Gary Sheffield


The presentation will be live and online.  To mark the centenary year of John Terraine's birth, the President of The Western Front Association, Professor Gary Sheffield, will give a talk that reviews John's career as a historian of the Great War and assesses his significance. In this presentation Gary will look at John Terraine's feud with Bas...

Kitchener’s Army by Peter Simkins


  359 pp. Casebound. £37.50.  Manchester University Press 1988 19 Photos  ISBN 0 7190 2637 7 [This review by Gary Sheffield first appeared in Stand To! No. 25 Spring 1989] Peter Simkins will be well known to many readers of Stand To! as the Historian at the Imperial War Museum; many students of the Great War, including this reviewer, have benefi...

The Evolution of Victory - British Battles on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Andy Simpson


1995 Hardback Publisher T.Donovan 152pp £17.95 ISBN 1 87108519 5 [This review first appeared in the September 1996 edition of Stand To! No. 47] The fighting on the Western Front means different things to different people. For the majority of the population, it is a terrible, apparently senseless event, essentially outside normal history; a pheno...

The Kinmel Park Camp Riots 1919 by J Putkowski


55pp. Illustrated. Card covers.  Flintshire Historical Society. £2.50.  £3.50 by post from Clwyd County Record Office The Old Rectory, Hawarden, Deeside, Clwyd CH5 3NR.  ISBN 0 9512776 18. [This review first appeared in the Winter 1989 edition of Stand To! No.27] In early 1919, discontent among Canadian soldiers awaiting demobilisation in Britai...

'From Gallipoli to D-Day: British Empire Armies and Amphibious Operations 1915-44' - Gary Sheffield : Gallipoli to D-Day


Gary needs no introduction to members of  the Thames Valley Branch (of which he is a member). In his talk he will  argue that the Gallipoli Campaign was not, as it is often regarded, a great missed opportunity to shorten the Great War, but that conditions on the Gallipoli Peninsula were even more unfavourable than those on the Western Front, and...

The Western Front Association is delighted to announce the winners of its inaugural Masters Grant Scheme.


The Western Front Association Masters Grant Scheme is offered to provide postgraduate students the opportunity to enrich their research and thus elevate their dissertation on a First World War topic. This first iteration of the award saw a range of topics proposed. The judging panel, made up of The Western Front Association President Professor...

The President's Conference 2022: '1917: The Darkest Year?


The Western Front Association's 10th President's Conference Doors open at 9.00am for a start at 9.45am. It is expected the event will draw to a close at 4.30pm 1917: The Darkest Year?   'David Lloyd George and British Strategy 1917' with Dr. Spencer Jones  'British Monarchy in 1917' with Prof. Heather Jones 'Collective Training in 1917 'Masteri...

Out Now! Bulletin December 2022


Out now, the first Bulletin of 2023 (though dated December 2022) is richly packed with news and articles, photographs, charts and tables. Find out about various exciting projects The Western Front Association is undertaking, get news from the branches, read a few articles and book reviews too.  Only available to members, Bulletin is our sister...

Out Now! Stand To! No. 130


In Communications Lines, the introduction to Stand To!, editor Matthew Leonard talks football, more on machine gun tactics, the Greek contribution to the First World War, cordite production, and peace medals while introducing Gary Sheffield’s examination of Jay Winter’s The Day the Great War Ended: 24 July 1923. Contents Page  Communi...

Gallipoli Association Zoom Talk: 'From disaster to triumph: the British campaign in Mesopotamia 1914-18’ with Prof. Gary Sheffield


British operations in Mesopotamia in 1914-16 were over-ambitious and under-resourced, with senior commanders paying scant attention to logistics. The result was appalling suffering for British and Indian soldiers at regimental level, and military failure. A change of regime at the top brought in new, effective 'war managers' who transformed the...

Amphibious Landings at Gallipoli, 25 April 1915 by Gary Sheffield


Amphibious Landings at Gallipoli, 25 April 1915 by Gary Sheffield Early on 25 April 1915 the 29th Division landed on the tip of the Gallipoli peninsula at Cape Helles. A second amphibious landing was made by the Anzacs at Gaba Tepe (later renamed Anzac Cove) to the north.  This was the start of the Gallipoli campaign. Gary will talk about the ba...

The BEF in Two Retreats: Mons 1914 and Dunkirk 1940


Prof. Gary Sheffield - The BEF in Two Retreats: Mons 1914 and Dunkirk 1940 Continuing with the products of his latest research comparing the BEF and its commanders in both major European wars of the 20th Century, branch member and Hon. President of the WFA, Gary Sheffield gives his annual lecture to the Thames Valley Branch; definitely not to be...

Western Fronts: The Retreat from Mons 1914 and Retreat to Dunkirk 1940 - Compared. A lecture by Professor Gary Sheffield.


The President of The Western Front Association, Professor Gary Sheffield, will compare and contrast two famous retreats by British Expeditionary Forces - 1914 and 1940. Image: © IWM (Q 51489)Troops from the Middlesex Regiment under fire from German artillery, September 1914.