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4 November 1918 : Gnr Cecil French
Son of Arthur (a successful grocery and provision merchant) and Edith French. They lived above the shop at 159 Forest Row, Walthamstow N.E. Cecil French joined Blackhorse Road Boys’ School on 11 June 1906. He left school in April 1913 and transferred to the Technical School. Cecil enlisted in January 1917 and served as a Gunner in the 1st/16...
011: Summer 1984
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040: Spring 1994
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‘The Great War: New Songs and Stories’ by folk storytellers Harp and a Monkey
A small rural church in Cumbria, a disused airfield in Norfolk, an old railway wagon in Sussex, and the winding room of a former colliery in Tyne and Wear – these are the intriguing sites that provide the backdrop for a new documentary about a series of poignant performances by the acclaimed experimental folk and storytelling act Harp and a Mon...
072: January 2005
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078: January 2007
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080: September 2007
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081: January 2008
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099: January 2014
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SPECIAL OFFER: 'Two Sides of the Same Wrong Penny: Gallipoli and the Western Front: A comparison' edited by Michael LoCicero with contributions from Gary Sheffield, Stephen Chambers and others.
Announcing the launch of the Western Front Association / Helion publication: Two Sides of the Same Wrong Penny: Gallipoli and the Western Front, A Comparison The year 1915 saw the BEF severely challenged on the Western Front. Recovering from the loss of the majority of experienced regulars in 1914, a largely new army had to come to terms with t...
Old Soldier Sahib
ISBN: 0 9547252 1 12 Hb 269 pp Edited by Krijnen. H J & Langley. D E. In 1933 the first of two books by Frank Richards was published by Faber and Faber. It was “ Soldiers Never Die” and is I believe a true classic of literature of the First World War. The second. “Old Soldier Sahib” was considered by Robert Graves to be the better of the t...
Battle Lines: Ypres - Nieupoort to Ploegsteert
Authors: Jon Cooksey and Jerry Murland ISBN 978 1 84884 783 4 Publisher: Pen and Sword 31 March 2013 240 pages including maps and illustrations When I signed up to provide a book review for the Western Front Association I was curious as to what book I would receive, given the information I had provided on my area of interest. However, when I rec...
Malaria in the Great War
A 1946 map by kind permission of the World Health Organisation) Malaria in the Great War by Dr David Payne (This article first appeared in Stand To! No.77 September 2006 pp5 - 8) Introduction Throughout history pestilence has been the cause of the majority of the casualties of war. In general, the Great War proved to be an exception, with a rat...
The Annual General Meeting Address delivered by Mr John Terraine at the AGM on 31 January 1987
[This article first appeared in Stand To ! 20 Summer 1987] pp 7 - 8
First let me say a word of reassurance: it's only a few weeks ago that a number of you will have received a longish burst from me at the National Army Museum on Founder's Day.
Don't worry - this time I shan't keep you long.
I only want to say two things, really, about oursel...
British Military Leadership in the First World War by John Terraine
(This lecture was given by John Terraine , the then Honorary President of The Western Front Association in 1991. It was later published in a 'Leadership & War' and published by The Western Front Association in 1998). This is a subject subject which has been steeped in misunderstanding, prejudice and pure mythology for over seventy years...
Pension Records: Famous, Infamous, Extraordinary and Ordinary
The Western Front Association's Pension Record Card and Ledger archive which has been published online by Ancestry is a magnificent set of never-seen before material which massively helps those looking for 'Great Uncle Bill' to not track down their relative but also put a little bit of extra information on the serviceman's story. It has been sai...
4 December 1917: Pte Arthur Swain
He was the only son of Henry Swain and Mary Ann (née Maden). Arthur's father died in 1913. Arthur was living at 20, North Street, Burnley at the time of his enlistment (as 23399 in the East Lancashire Regiment) in early 1916. He transferred to the 13th Bn Essex regiment after arrival in France in October 1916, Arthur took part in actions o...
Defending the Ypres Front 1914 – 1918: Trenches, Shelters and Bunkers of the German Army
By Jan Vancoillie & Kristof Blieck Pen & Sword, £25.00 (E–book: £14.40), 294 pp, ills, 34 maps, bibliog., index. ISBN: 978–152–670–746–8 In outline this comprehensive book describes the German structures employed to defend the territory captured around Ypres and makes excellent use of official drawings and maps as well as photographs fro...
113: October 2018 Special Edition
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20 July 1916 : Pte. Alexander McGregor McKenzie
Born at Talia, South Australia on 11 January 1891, Alexander was a farmer. He enlisted at Keswick, South Australia on 7 May 1915 and embarked on overseas service from Adelaide aboard HMAT Kanowna on 23 June 1915. After serving at Gallipoli with the 27th Bn AIF from September 1915, Alexander moved to Egypt. After a period of illness, he transfe...
Tony Bolton MA
Tony joined Holst and Company as a trainee design draughtsman in 1967, retiring after nearly 43 years as Regional Director of Civil Engineering Division of Vinci UK. He has been a member of The Western Front Association almost from its inception in 1980. Tony is currently Chair of the Chesterfield Branch. He has contributed to BBC Radio Sheff...
Release of ‘Mutiny’ : Black British veterans tell their story of the Great War
A secret history of the First World War that the British Empire tried to hide. Black British veterans tell their story of the Great War. Now available on Amazon Prime 102 year old interviewee Gershom Browne Gresham Browne as a solder in 1915- age 18 In 1914 as the Great War began the majority of the British Empire’s non-white population were e...
3 February 1915: Capt Oriel William Erskine Bannerman
Oriel was born in Bombay, India on 13 December 1877. He was the second son of the General William Bannerman CB 104th Wellesley’s Rifles and of Louisa Bannerman (née Goddard). He was educated at Cheltenham College and Sandhurst. He joined the Indian Army 27 July 1898 and was promoted to Lieutenant 27 October 1900 and Captain on 27 July 1907. Fr...
6 February 1917 : 2nd Lieut Leon Alfred O’Meara
Leon was born in Camberley, Surrey in 1898. He was the only son of Major Walter O’Meara and Annie O'Meara of 11 Talgarth Road, West Kensington. His father was a former Barrister. Educated at St. Edward’s Oxford, Leon was - for four years - a member of the Officers Training Corps and intended entering Pembroke College, Oxford in the autumn of 191...
13 March 1915 : Pte Christopher Richard Fowler
Christopher Fowler was born 27 February 1893 in Hackney, London. Dick, as he was known to friends and family, was the son of parents Arthur and Laura (née Pauling). Arthur Fowler ran a letterpress printing business. At the 1901 Census the family lived on St.Mary's Road, Willesden. At the time the parents and six children also had a live in domes...
Are you confined to barracks with Covid 19? Here's a suggestion
Many Western Front Association members may be having to 'self isolate' at the moment, and this must be a real strain. To give yourself an interest members may wish to become involved with Project ALIAS, the full details of which are available here on the WFA web site: Project ALIAS: what is it and how is it going? An example of just one of the...
Ep. 11 – Winning with Laughter – Cartoonists in the Great War – Luci Gosling
Luci Gosling, from the Mary Evans Picture Library, discusses a talk she gave to the Western Front Association's 2017 AGM in Newcastle on cartoons, cartoonists and the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element. Dr To...
Ep. 93 – Willie Redmond MP – John Green
John Green talks about his relative Irish nationalist politician Major Willie Redmond MP, who was killed at the Battle of Messines in June 1917. Your browser does not support the audio element.
The King's African Rifles at Kibata, German East Africa December 1916 to January 1917
When the Great War commenced in August 1914 "A", "B", "C" and "E" Companies of the 1st (Nyasaland, now Malawi) Regiment of the King's African Rifles (KAR) were deployed on border duty in British East Africa (BEA, now Kenya). These four companies remained in BEA and were constantly involved in operations against parties of German raiders who were...
12 May 1917 : Lieut. Philip Martin Blake Collcutt
He was the youngest son of Thomas (President of the Royal Society of Architects) and Emily Collcutt. At the 1881 and 1891 Census, the Collcutt family lived at 36 Bloomsbury Square. In 1891, Philip, was the youngest of six children. As well as the parents, the household included a private Governess, and three domestic servants: two housemaids a...
Placing the Battle of Messines Ridge in context by Peter Simkins
This is the Foreword to Ian Passingham's Pillars of Fire. The Battle of Messines Ridge June 1917 by Peter Simkins For the British Dominion divisions serving on the Western Front under Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, 1917 was a year of transition and mixed fortunes. In the collective folk-memory of Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand the...
ONLINE : 'The Last Father & Son VCs: The Remarkable Lives of Walter and William Congreve'
The presentation will be live and online. This talk by Dr Spencer Jones explores the remarkable lives of Walter and William Congreve, a fearless father and son from one of Britain's most famous military families. Walter was a stoic ironman who overcame physical disability through sheer force of will, whilst his son, William, was a firebrand who...
29 June 1918 : Lieut. Reginald Edward Guise M.C.
Reginald Guise was born in Cuttack, India 30 October 1896, the son of Rivett Francis Guise (Deputy Inspector-General, Indian Police) and Mary Elizabeth Maud (née Boissier). He was also the great-grandson of Sir John Wright, a distinguished military man of the French War in Egypt, Hanover on the Peninsula, where he was awarded the Victoria Cross...
The Camera Returns (13) Mailly Maillet by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall
[This article first appeared in Stand To! No.31 Spring 1991. Members of The Western Front Association received this magazine three times a year and have access to the entire digital archive online]. Whippet Tanks of the 3rd Battalion at Maillet-Mailly. The advancing infantry are of the New Zealand Division. © IWM Q 9821...
Ep. 174 – Ypres and its meaning through time – Prof Mark Connelly & Dr Stefan Goebel
Professor Mark Connelly, Professor of Modern British History, University of Kent and Dr Stefan Goebel, Reader and Director of the Centre for the History of War, Media and Society, University of Kent, talk about their recent book on Ypres. This is published by OUP. Your...
Ep. 178 – Irish Recruitment in World War One – Dr Tim Bowman, Dr Michael Wheatley & Dr William Butler
Dr Timothy Bowman, a Reader in modern British military history, University of Kent, Dr William Butler, the Head of Military Records, The National Archives, UK and Dr Michael Wheatley, an independent researcher who writes on early twentieth century Irish politics, talk about their latest book, The Disparity of Sacrifice. This book examines the m...
How to research Canadian Soldiers from the First World War
We are sometimes asked about how to undertake research for servicemen who were killed in the Great War. Whilst there are lots of resources available (and these of course include the Pension Records saved by The Western Front Association) there are many ‘nooks and crannies’ that may be overlooked or unknown. In this brief article we aim to direc...
The Western Front Association PhD Grants Scheme 2020/21
The Western Front Association is delighted to announce the names of those who will receive the PhD Grants Scheme awards for the 2020/21 academic year. The awarding panel were overwhelmed by the number and quality of the applications received this year, which made their decision no easy task. After some deliberation, the following grants (includi...
Rayford W.Logan and the Dilemma of the African American Intellectual by Kenneth R. Janken (1993)
By Kenneth Robert Janken University of Massachusetts Press 1993 319 pages ISBN-10 : 0870238582 ISBN-13 : 978-0870238581 There are several reasons why Americans are not that interested in the First World War: they came to it late, their losses were nothing like as severe as other combatants, there was little negative impact on the home front - i...
Tony Bradman's Stories of WW1
At first sight, a review of an anthology of short stories written for children about the Great War is not what you might expect to find on The Western Front Association website. However, education and the inculcation of an interest in the First World War must be an essential part of the mission of the WFA. What better way, I suggest, than to int...
St George’s Day at Zeebrugge
One of the reasons for Britain and her Empire going to war in 1914 was because of the perceived danger to the UK’s maritime trade posed by a hostile Germany controlling the ports on the European side of the English Channel and North Sea. The German conquest of much of Belgium, including the Belgian coast line, brought about this feared scenario...
Americans All. Foreign-Born Soldiers in World War I by Nancy G Ford
Texas A&M University Press, College Station, $32.95, 2000, 207pp, ills, index. ISBN: 1 58544 118 X. His is a well-crafted history of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) which sets out to establish, and successfully so, that the US Army allied itself with progressive social reformers in integrating foreign-born and nonEnglish speaking dr...
Two opportunities for your students to show what they know about the First World War
Two opportunities for your schools students to show what they know about the First World War. 1. The 2021-22 Malcolm Doolin Memorial Award for Local History Research 2 x £500 prize for Primary and Secondary Schools (incl. Special Schools). What was your town like in 1914-1918? Who went to war? Who stayed at home? Who was killed? Who came hom...
Vivian Hicking - a Grimsby Chum in India, drowned 3 June 1919
After the armistice, many men would have been returning to their homes after receiving their discharge from the army, however men were still required not only for the occupation of part of Germany, but also for the continuing garrison duties in the far-flung corners of the Empire. It was in India in June 1919 that tragedy was to strike, causing...
'Roasting a sausage': Balloons, their crews, and those who shot them down
Although observation balloons had been used as early as 1794 the static nature of the conflict in the First World War provided the backdrop for the balloons to come into their own and play an important part in the war. The idiom ‘the balloon’s going up’ derives from the raising of a balloon signalling the beginning of an artillery barrage, guide...
Running the Rufiji Gauntlet: The destruction of SMS Königsberg
Early on the morning of 6 July 1915 two warships slipped away from Tirene Bay on Mafia Island, and slowly headed towards the coast of Tanzania, less than 30 miles away. The vessels were small, at 265 feet in length, and sat very low in the water: there was only three feet of freeboard fore and aft. However, they were heavily armed, each carrying...
ONLINE: 'John Terraine as a Military Historian, Revisited' a presentation by Prof Gary Sheffield
The presentation will be live and online. To mark the centenary year of John Terraine's birth, the President of The Western Front Association, Professor Gary Sheffield, will give a talk that reviews John's career as a historian of the Great War and assesses his significance. In this presentation Gary will look at John Terraine's feud with Bas...
Major Mick Mannock KIA 10 July 1918 and the ongoing mystery of his grave
On 10 July 1918, Major Edward Mannock, who had recently been appointed to command 85 Squadron of the newly created RAF, heard that his friend James McCudden had been killed in a flying accident. This news seriously depressed ‘Mick’ as he was known, but also motivated him into a killing spree. On top of his already impressive haul, he shot down s...
Finding the Horses and Mules for the British Army during the First World War
During the First World War, commandeering horses and mules was crucial to the British Army's mobilisation strategy. Despite the advent of motorised vehicles, horses remained essential for artillery and cavalry. By 1914, the Army needed to quickly amass 160,000 horses for the British Expeditionary Force, far exceeding the peacetime establishment....
15 November 1917 Oswald Chambers, Christian Minister and Teacher
The infant Oswald moved from Aberdeen with his father Rev. Clarence Chambers, a Kent born baptist minister (without charge) his mother Hannah (née Bullock) three brothers and three sisters to Newcastle Road, Stoke on Trent in 1876 where the family still lived at the 1881 Census at 15 Newcastle Road, Stoke on Trent with the addition of one 15 ye...
Members' Afternoon (1)
Our annual Members' Afternoon will be held on Sunday, 9th January 2022 - NB this is one week later than usual so that we avoid the New Year period. Again this year, we have a selection of talks which includes: Conscription in the NZEF A Gallipoli Photograph Album RFC (details TBC) The Battle of the Wilsons 1911 - A Monologue in Three Acts Armour...
Richard Aldington: Poet, Soldier and Lover (2014)
The Lutterworth Press, Cambridge, 2014, 414pp. In Richard Aldington: Poet, Soldier and Lover, the author Vivien Whelpton explores in series of short intimately explored biographies, spread across the book that has Aldington at its core, the intertwining lives and work of a number of literary figures from the time, including Ezra Pound, Herbert R...
Private Alfred Berry and the Zeebrugge Raid 1918
The Zeebrugge Raid of St. George’s Day 1918 was an audacious attempt by the Royal Navy to neutralise the activities of the German U-boats that were intent on bringing Britain and her allies to their knees. They were creating havoc in the English Channel, at least a third of allied shipping carrying food, munitions and other equipment – amounting...
'Bombs, Bullets and Bayonets – The Weapons of Trench Warfare' with Andy Robertshaw
Bombs, Bullets and Bayonets – The Weapons of Trench Warfare by Andy Robertshaw This month we welcome back a speaker who is well known to many of us. Andy Robertshaw, historian, author and TV presenter will be talking about bombs, bullets and bayonets – the weapons of trench warfare. Andy will be bringing along (inert!) examples of these weapon...
Ep.261a – In the Centennial Footsteps of the Great War – Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy
In this special podcast, Dr Tom Thorpe talks to historian and photographer Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy about the launch of his book In the Centennial Footsteps of the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element. The two-v...
128: October 2022 Special Edition
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'The War in West Africa' a talk by Christopher Mellor-Hill
This talk is the second of two talks given by Christopher Mellor-Hill of Noonans auctioneers looking at the War in Africa. This will consider the war in West Africa including the actions in South-West Africa by the South African forces. Christopher is head of Client Liaison at Noonans - the specialist Medal & Coin Auctioneers. His enthusiasm...
A Cockney Soldier and the Great War: Corporal William Charles Blumsom MM
Like so many that have an abiding fascination with the First World War, my interest was kindled when I learned that a relative had served in the conflict – in my case, my grandfather. I never knew him; he had died a quarter of a century before I was born. Inspired by family lore, I embarked upon an almost lifelong quest to reconstruct his life....
Out Now! Stand To! No. 130
In Communications Lines, the introduction to Stand To!, editor Matthew Leonard talks football, more on machine gun tactics, the Greek contribution to the First World War, cordite production, and peace medals while introducing Gary Sheffield’s examination of Jay Winter’s The Day the Great War Ended: 24 July 1923. Contents Page Communi...
130: April 2023
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ONLINE : 'Arrogant and Dashing Throwbacks’: German Elite and Non-elite Troops, 1914-1918' with Dr Tony Cowan
This paper analyses the German army’s system for assessing the quality of its units in the First World War. There are four possible ways of defining elite German troops before and during the war – socially elite, such as Guards units, the ‘arrogant and dashing throwbacks’ of the title; the 1918 classification into assault and position-holding di...
The Rob Thompson Memorial Conference
The late Rob Thompson was, in his own words, an "accidental military historian". But, in the opinion of others, he was "a true scholar … with a new way of looking at the Great War" and "an off the wall character with rock star charisma". This conference celebrates his lifetime achievements - in historical research, critical interpretation and pu...
Ep.328 LECTURE : Why the Allies won the Great War – Prof Mark Connelly
We delve into the intricacies of the First World War with Mark Connelly from the University of Kent and explore the question: 'Why did the Allies emerge victorious?' In this thought-provoking lecture, historian Prof. Mark Connelly takes us on a journey through the annals of history, offering insights into the strategic, political, and human fac...
CONFERENCE : 1st, 2nd, 3rd March Canada (Pacific Coast Branch)
We're sure members of The WFA will be excited to learn of details of this conference in Canada. It will be held in Victoria B.C., Canada which runs from Friday evening (1st March) through to Sunday lunchtime (3rd March). Details and registration is available on the Canada (Pacific Coast Branch) website. In brief the conference will run as follow...
Women’s Football and the British Army. From the Great War to the Present Day
Join a panel of experts at the National Army Museum as they discuss the historic relationship between women’s football and the British Army. Football has been a feature of Army life since the mid-19th century. From kickabouts in military bases worldwide to helping establish the professional game we know today, the Army and its soldiers have long...
The Africa Naval Expedition by Christopher Mellor-Hill
Christopher Mellor-Hill will present an account of the Africa Naval Expedition that took place between December 1915 and July 1916 and resulted in the capture of Lake Tanganyika. The story inspired the book ‘the African Queen’ by CS Forrester and the film of the same name. The British and Belgian forces had to recapture the lake from the German...
Calling All Young Historians Aged 16-19. The Colin Hardy Memorial Prize is now open for 2024
The Colin Hardy Memorial annual competition to foster interest and scholarship in the First World War among young people is now open for 2024. It is supported by The Western Front Association Essays or project reports (between 3000 and 6.000 words) or video presentations (up to 15 minutes max duration) are eligible. Choose any subject associate...