Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)
- The Committee returned, an abundance of Great War books and the variety of Tours from Waterloo to Normandy with the First World War in between.
British Trench Mortars (3) The Heavy Mortar
The Camera Returns (7) Aveluy, the Somme
Australians at Broodseinde (Ypres). The Raid at Celtic Wood, 9 October 1917 by Tony Spagnoly
The Home Front (17) Anti-Aircraft Guns
WFA Poets
With the Artists Rifles
Derby Scheme Armbands by Bob Wyatt
Canadian Corps by Colonel Terry Cave, CBE
One Man's War (6) by George Franklin
- 7597 Sapper George Franklin 5th (WL) Div Sig Coy RE
The Hampshire Aircraft Parks, Royal Flying Corps by Ray Westlake
A Regiment at War: The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) by R W Butcher
A Derbyshire VC
- The life of Charles Edwin Stone, VC, MM by N Wood
Behind the Lines (11): Ordnance Services
Listening Post by Harry Taylor
What Happened to my Grandfather - the Sequel by John Lea MA, PhD
With the Gunners at Nieuport in 1917 by Gunner N. Tennant, DCM
Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)
- Armoured Car
- Accrington Pals
Roll of Honour - Nine Veteran Members remembered
Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)
- General Sir Arthur Currie. A Military Biography by M J Hyatt
- Men of 18 in 1918 by F J Hodges
- Up to Mametz: the 38th Division by W Griffith
- Kitchener's Army: The Raising of the New Armies 1914-1916 by P Simkins [Reviewed by Gary Sheffield]
- British Butchers and Bungles of World War One by J Laffin [Reviewed by Gary Sheffield]
- Chronology of the Great War (Three Volumes)
- West Wickham and the Great War by Joyce Walker
- Nothing of Importance. A record of 8 months at the Front with a Welsh Battalion by Bernard Adams
- Twelve Days. The Somme 1916 by S Rogerson
- War Underground. The Tunnellers of the Great War by A Barrie
- West Wickham and the Great War by Joyce Walker
- F W Harvey - Soldier Poet by A Boden
- War Law and Labour. The Munitions Acts, State Regulation and the Unions 1915-1921 by G R Rubin
- Norfolk and Suffolk in the Great War by G Gliddon (Ed.)
- Western Front 1916-1916. The Price of Honour by J Laffin
Information Please
CWGC 69th Annual Report
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